"Dani?" He whispers when I turn the light off. "I think I'm in love with you." With that, his breathing becomes steady, and small snores escape his lips. My heartbeat picks up as I rush out of the house. 

I woke up late, and realized I have school today. I ran into my bathroom and took a five minute shower. I then had to run around my room to get dressed and collect my papers. I decided if I put makeup on, I'll be very late, so I skipped that for the first time in forever. I head to my car and drive to school quickly.  

One thing that has been bothering me last night (causing my lack of sleep and late wakening) is what drunk Harry told me last night. I think I'm in love with you... Those exact words go off like a broken record in my head. Did he mean that? No, he was dunk, my subconscious reminds me. On the other hand, why would he say those words if they weren't true? He was really out of it, so that's probably why. Why would be even get that drunk? It was a school night. Maybe something was bothering him and he turned to alcohol? These pesky thoughts occupy me as I drive into school.  

I run down the empty halls, trying to not be late for first period. I slip into my seat just as the bell rung. My teacher advises me to get early to my classes, while the class fills with slight laughter.  

"Hey." Harry mumbles as he sits next to me at our lunch table. His eyes are red and are clearly tired. His normal perfectly messy hair is very messy, tiny wisps of hair unorderly around his head.  

"Someone's got a hang over..." I sing song, giggling.  

"Not funny. My mum almost killed me thing morning. My head hurts so bad and I remember nothing." I slightly relax, so he didn't remember saying anything to me... 

"Shouldn't have drank on a school night. Here, turn." I grab his slouched body and turn him towards me. I begin to attempt to tame his mop of hair. He groans as I tell him to stop fussing.  

"Hey guys." Zayn's voice rings, and I quickly turn towards him. He sets his tray next to mine and studies my face.  

"What? So I have something on my face?" My hand fly up to my mouth, trying to find and terminate the problem.  

"No no, it's just that you're not wearing makeup. You look really beautiful." Zayn smiles. I blush at his sweet complement. All day people have been looking at me like I am sick or something. Basically dirty looks.  

"Thank you-"  

"Can you both stop with your mushy shit? You're adding to my migraine." Harry groans, rubbing his temple.  

"Drink some water, sour puss." I open his bottle and stick it in his hand. He rolls his eyes before downing the bottle.  

"See? Shouldn't have gotten drunk. I just talked with Louis, he said he's been throwing up." Zayn shutters and I make a disgusted face. I mean, yuck! 

"Luckly I'm not." Harry sighs. I pat his back before beginning a conversation with Zayn about our next date. 

"Danielle are you sick or something?" Kasey, the girl who stole my spot as most popular asks me, laughing with her friends. I ignore them and continue to put away books and grab the ones I need to go home with. "Guys, I think Danielle has the flu! Is it from Zayn or Harry?" I slam my locker shut.  

"Shut up kasey. Now." I say behing gritted teeth. "I'm not a slut." 

She laughs cooly in my face. "You sure sweet heart? Everyone's been saying you're going off the deep end. I mean, after we found out your true pathetic self, we figured you're a slut too."  

"Stop it! Stop!" I scream. I can't deal with this bullying anymore. 

"Aw, too much for the wittle baby?" Kasey pouts, tsking. Involuntary, I slap her.  

"Danielle?" Zayn's alarmed voice forces me to find him. He looks from me the Kasey, startled.  

"Get me out of here." My voice is small, fragile. It doesn't sound like me.  

He takes my hand and hurries me out of school. I go to my car and promise to meet him at the local coffee shop. When he leaves, I rest my head on the steering wheel, heaving. Tears begin to fall, and soon I'm alone in the parking lot crying my eyes out. I'm worthless. Just like the people at school say everyday. I'm two faced also. Most importantly, I'm a freak.  

I text Zayn to tell him I'm not meeting him. Instead I drive to Harry's place. Anne told me he's at Louis' flat, so I drive there.  

"Hey... Danielle?" Louis asks, confused. He looks like a mess.  

"I need to talk with Harry." I say. He lets me in and I see Harry and Niall laying on couches.  

"Hey dani!" Niall smiles towards me. Harry looks up and does the same. I can't help but feel the hatred towards him right now. All of out happy moments as friends are gone. I can barely remember the distant memory I have of them.  

"Harry, can we talk?" I fold my shaking hands across my chest, trying to conceal them.  

"Sure." He sits up. Niall and Louis study me as I approach him.  

"You..." I can't even form the right words. "You.. You ruined me! If that video was never out, I wouldn't be where I am. I would be perfect, with my 'friends'!" I make quotation marks. "I wouldn't get bullied, believe it or not I do! I would feel worthless! This would of never happened! I hate you so much, I've finally had it! I hate you!" I'm trembling so bad, crying so hard, I might be sick. His face is shocked, with a mixture of regret and sadness. I lean forward and hit his face and arms, screaming 'I hate you!' until Louis pulled me off him.  

"Please don't tell Zayn. I just got him back, please." I leave the flat, and drive home wallowing in self pity.  

✌✌ hey everyone! I'm really sorry for such a long wait, but I was very busy! Please Vote, Comment, and Follow! Thank you xox!✌✌

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