Chapter Fourty One

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"I am so sorry for how I treated you Amelia." Says May.

"People make mistakes queen May. I understand why you never liked me. I just hope you make ammends with the town folk before going out of power." Says Mia.

"I vow to honour your request. Speaking of which, where are you hiding my boy?" She says playfully.

"This time it isn't me your majesty. Even I don't know what he is upto."

"I have a confession to make. You see, Edgar isn't the king's child by blood. I had a child long before Will but my husband died in the previous war." Says May.

"So sorry to hear about that queen May. Well, my mother died long before I could meet her, but I got to avenge her death." Says Mia.

A lump forms in May's throat because she knew Mia's mother and she was the reason Ariana killed her. "I am sorry." She says.

"Thankyou. I guess we all lost and gained." Says Mia. May looks at her and vows to herself to tell her one day. Right now, she did not want to ruin the happiness floating in the air.

Then, a knock at the chamber door catches their attention as a mask and a dress are brought in. "For you lady Amelia. Complements of tonight's ball." She says as she curtsies and leaves the room.

Curious, the both peep into the box and find an invitation card personally signed by the prince. They both exchange a curious expression as Mia goes to try out the dress.

She comes out to ask May's opinion and finds a very stunned and speechless May staring back at her.

"I can change if it is displeasing." She says.

"My dear, you will have all the men swooning over you at the ball. You look lovely. Come, we must work on your make up." Says May.

Again, she had never been used to being pampered like this. It had been ten days since her recovery and everyone was still worried about her yet, here she was being made up by the one person who hated her so bitterly ten days before.

"All done. Now, the ball is about to begin. Goodluck!" Says May hugging her and leaving the room. She looks at herself one more time then exits towards the ballroom.

At the ball...

The music fills the room as everyone all masked cover the floor to dance with their partners.

Mia looks over her shoulder trying to find Edgar but does not see him anywhere. She moves into the next dance as the music changes its tempo.

Exhausted at the final dance, she walks over to the refreshment stand to get something to drink.

"Ladies and lords, the prince shall now present his princess!" Announces the new royal guard.

Everyone falls silent as they watch edgar walk across the room. He walks slowly but surely upto where Mia is. Her heart races as he takes off the mask from her face. He then draws her to the centre of the room.

"Presenting princess Amelia!" The royal guard announces again. Everyone applauds and cheers.

"May I have this dance my princess?" Asks Edgar as he bows and holds out his hand.

She takes it and he rolls her into him as they take the floor and capture the room's attention with their grace and swift light moves.

After the dance, Edgar runs out of the room with Mia and carries her as he rushes up the stairs. After closing the door, he starts to undress them both while planting kisses across her body.

"I have missed you so much." He says as he takes off his trousers.

She doesnt respond but grabs him by the hair and claims his lips as he had hers, hungrily and lovingly.

Caramel, happy with herself, places a flower alongside William as she tells her sister that she has accomplished her dying wish.

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