Chapter Twenty Three

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"Come! There is no time to wait!" Says Caramel as she tries to pull the queen away.

"I will not leave without my son!" She screams.

"He will be fine. Stop being a mule and follow me!" Answers Caramel. Ignoring the queen's tantrums, she punches her in the face and puts her over her shoulder. For a fourty year old, she was very light.

They run out the back way leaving all the young maids to fight their own battles. "I hope you get him out my dear." She says to herself.

Fighting off another soldier, she yells to the king,"Find the prince! Get him to the greenwoods haven!"

"What about you?" He asks her.

"I will be fine. Now, go!" She says pushing him out of the way and blocking a soldier's blade with her own. In the past few training, she had learnt that the only way to defeat the enemy was to think like the enemy.

She throws him off and pulls out her dagger from the left hand and aims for his throat. "Sweet dreams." She says killing him instantly.

Drawing out her dagger, she hears a shrill cry from the next chambers and runs to see who it is.

She finds another maid clutching her stomach and a soldier about to run her through. Without hesitating, she positions her sword to his lower abdomen and calls out. "Hey!"

He turns to face her but when he takes a step forward, he walks into the sword. She kicks him off it and goes to the girl's aid. She sees another maid rushing by. "You! Come here! Hurry!"

She hands her to the girl and directs her to the back entrance. Then, something heavy comes down on the back of her head knocking her down. She blacks out.

"Search the whole palace! They must be here somewhere! Booms a male rushing to the other chambers.

This was it. Her life would end here. She would never fullfill her destiny. No, she was not going to give up now.

She struggles to keep her eyes open and catches a soldier wanting to tie her up. Shaking her head, she pulls the ropes slightly twisting his hand and bringing his hand over his head and pulling the ropes together to strangle him.

He struggles for a bit before giving in. Exhausted, she gets up and turns her sword back to a mop. She then smells smoke and realises the castle has been set ablaze.

She starts running towards a window and jumps out clutching her mop to her chest. In the distance, she sees the remainig troops fleeing the castle. Glad to be alive, she starts running in the directions of greenwoods.

The Royal HelpOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora