Chapter Five

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"Never allow yourself to get distracted by these girly things." Shouts the instructor.

Amelia had never understood why this was her life nor did she ever come to terms with wielding a mop which also happened to be a makeshift sword.

Training had become hard on her and she had never been accustomed to curtsies or makeup. They were all foreign to her.

Suddenly, her feet are knocked out from beneath her and she lands on her bossom with a loud thud. When she looks up, she sees the instructors sword tip at her throat.
"Always be alert!" She yells. "Fall in line ladies! We begin from the top!"

They oblige, going through the moves how to transform their weapon into a cleaning material and how to avoid being wounded by their adverseries.

"Breathe! Lunge forward! Turn! Pause!" They chant their daily mantra as they glide through each move being careful not to slack.

Amelia could not understand why she was the hardest to train. She was a little girl just like them after all.

"I know what you are thinking" Lady Margarette startles her, that she quickly stands up and holds her fist to her chest in respect. "Please, sit."

She obliges and sits down, watching in silence.

Sighing deeply, "You have to train the hardest and go through the most diffucult moves because your duty is the greatest, the prince." She says.

Mia's eyes widen in shock and disgust. How could they have given her such a horrible duty? Especially when she has to see the mean queen every minute and serve the arrogantly proud brat of a prince?

"Don't take this lightly because soon, you will be alone and will need to be strong and careful." Lady Margarette concludes and pats her on the back.

Of all the people they could think of, they just had to give her the prince.

She jumps up to avoid the instructor's swipe and takes the opportunity to hit her midrib which makes her fall and lose grip of her sword. Mia smiles. Without noticing it, her feet are snatched from beneath her and she falls again but this time, she reacts fast enough to tackle the instructor to the ground.

Lady Margarette could now see the resemblance now. Feeling her lips curve upwards, she walks back into her quarters calling it a day for all the young ladies.

As Mia watched the sky above her, she couldnt help but grimace at the thought of being back at the Windsor as she knew in a few day's time, she would be sent back.

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