Chapter Twenty Four

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Everyone begins murmuring amongst themselves as the king and the prince appear. The queen runs up to them. "Oh thank heavens you are alive. Are you hurt?" She asks them as she embraces William and pats Edgar on the head.

Edgar then asks, "Where is Mia?"

Everyone falls silent. Nobody knew where she was. Even Caramel. She turns her head to see the prince's anguish.

"We left her at the castle." Says on of the young maids. "It burnt down your highness." She adds.

He starts to frown in anger and sadness. Why did no one care about her well being? Did she need to die for them to open their eyes? At that moment, Mia arrives coughing.

"Amelia!" Shouts Caramel running to her side. Examining her, she notices a gash on her back and a fresh cut above her previous wound on her left cheek.

The prince runs to her side as well and notices a mop in her hand. "You just had to be cleaning at that moment little mouse?" He asks his eyes a bit glassy.

"I am still alive blockhead. This is my favourite mop. I could not leave it." She answers.

"That is no reason to get killed." He says taking her from Caramel's hands. He rushes her to the physician's tent.

The physician works carefully, not to damage any other tissues as he stitches her up and give her medicine.

"Thankyou." Says the prince as the physician leaves.

Mia tries to sit up and groans in pain, catching the prince's attention. "Easy does it little mouse." He says

"But I have to sew your robes for the queen's birthday." She says.

"Forget the robes! You almost died today. Give yourself a break!" He says rubbing the back of his neck. He holds up a bowl full of soup and puts a spoonfull in her mouth.

She coughs it out. "What is that?" She asks.

"I dont know. It is however, your ticket back to health. Now drink." He says feeding her another spoonfull.

King William stares at his former self  in the form of his son. He could not help but smile. "Poor them. They do not know it will not last." Says Caramel.

The king turns to face her. "Mel, I.." he starts.

"Save it William. You lost me when you lost her. So just make sure your son does not do the same to my Mia." She says walking away.

He ponders over her words before coming to a realisation. It couldn't be. If those two were brought together by fate, then it sure was cruel.

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