Chapter Twenty Two

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*The anniversary ball*
All the guests arrive while others indulge themselves in drink and dance.

"Where is the prince Queen May?" Asks princess Adeline.

"He will be with us shortly Adeline." Answers May kissing her on the cheeks in greeting.

"Little mouse! I am here." Whispers the prince softly knocking on the door.

She unlocks the doors. "Nobody is following you?" She asks.

He nods and follows her out the back. Excited and relieved at the same time. She then starts to leave. "Leaving already?" He asks.

"I have to get back to the castle. You don't want any suspicions now do we?" She says.

She did have a point but he did not want her to leave. "Okay. But do come back for me ok?" He says.

She walks off back to the castle.

"You!" Says May pointing to Mia. "Where is he?" She asks.

"Oh, your majesty." She curtsies. "Might I ask who you seek?" She asks.

"You know very well who! Now, where is he?" She asks stepping closer to her.

"I do not know your majesty. I was only washing the robes for his highness" she answers.

May then slaps her and walks away cursing. Mia slightly rubs her cheek and walks off to her chambers. She did not mind the slap because she knew that the prince would get his.

The ball ends and the guests leave, disappointed to have missed the prince. Many of the princesses had hoped to meet and dance with him, from what they heard, he was a charming and remarkable young lad.

Hunger wakes him up at sunrise as he realises he had slept on a hungry stomach. He hears footsteps and hugs his knees to his chest fearing for whoever it may be.

Jumping down into the cave, she finds him crouched over in a corner. "Goodmorning blockhead. Mission accomplished." She says giving him some water.

"Goodmorning. I trust people did not miss me last night." He answers.

"Oh they did. Infact, your mother was so furious she took it out on me. As usual." She says.

"My apologies. Thankyou for this." He tells her standing up and coming out of the cave. He rakes his hair and stretches noticing a slight tear in his garments. "No! This was my favourite pair!" He groans.

"You are quite the dramatic one aren't you? Now come on. It is only a matter of time before everyone wakes." She says gathering his belongings and dashing out of the cave, making him chase after her.

He felt very lucky because no other prince had this priviledge like he did and he would live it. It was only a matter of time before he reached the age of marrying and marriage would restrict him from his adventures.

Hope you are enjoying the story. Drop a comment to let me know how you feel. Thankyou!

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