The Littlest Lost Girl Part 2

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"So now that I'm in charge," I began, "I want all of you to go out hunting."

A younger lost boy stepped up, "All of us? Who's going to tend to the fire?"

"Oh, um..." I looked around and picked out the weaker looking boys. "You boys over  there!" I pointed to a group of lost boys to the far left of me. "Stay back and tend to the fire!"

"But we're the rabbit squad." A tall thin boy approached from the group I pointed to. "We're the lookouts for the Pirates."

"Well someone needs to tend to the fire!" I placed my hands on my hips with exasperation. "Now that it's settled, go hunt!"

"...My Queen Lucy," The tall boy spoke again. "Are you sure? It seems like the Pirates have been planning an attack on us and-"

I threw my hands down in exasperation, "I said tend to the fire!"

The rabbit squad sighed and began to place logs on the great bonfire, "Yes Lucy..."

My eyes sparkled with renewed confidence; if I could control these boys, I could do anything! I walked inside Peter's tent again (it had a small tent attached to it which was mine) and saw my brother laying in his bed. He was very pale now, more so than when I saw him a few hours ago. Peter probably had lost a lot of blood and his sickness wasn't helping. I sat down on the bed by his feet and watched. He breathed shallowly now which scared me terribly. He was immortal, but sickness hurt him just as much as everyone else. Since Neverland was getting weaker, in terms of magical regeneration he was on his own; he might not be able to heal fast enough using the island's magic. This fever might kill him if he's sick for too long! I had to find someway to get him better, I just had to.

I jumped off the bed and walked across the room to my section of tent. It was a conjoined area that had a small tent flap separating his section from mine for privacy. Opening my dresser, I pulled out the knife he'd given me for safe keeping. I couldn't use it, but it was better to have some weapon to rely on other than my magic. I slipped it into my boot and walked out of the tent giving one last glance to my ailing brother.

I walked out or the tent just as proudly as I had entered and I was met with an unsettling silence in the camp. The lost boys that I told to stack wood on the bonfire had gone to chop wood so I was now alone. I supposed that if there was no one in the camp to worry about, I could go where I pleased. I started for the beach just a mile from camp. Walking by myself through the dark woods didn't scare me one bit, I'd been practically raised in the jungles.

I ran onto the warm sands of the beach happily and removed my green jacket and boots and waded through the knee-deep tide pools nearby. I found them much more fun to play in than the ocean because of the little starfish on the bottom. They were so cute! After awhile of splashing and playing I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around and saw an older girl about Peter's age with wavy black hair standing barefoot on the shore. Her clothes looked like they'd been ripped up from running through the jungles.

"Hello," She spoke softly. "Do you know where I am?"

I rose to my feet and stood confidently. "Welcome to Neverland! What's your name?"

"Uh, my name is Lacie. What's your name?"

"My name is Lucy. Pleased to meet you!"

"You said I was in Neverland, right?"

"Yes. This is where my tribe lives, just about a mile from here." I then straightened my back cockily, "I'M their Queen."

"I see," The girl giggled as I asserted myself.

Why was she laughing? I was serious! I stood upon a rock so that I could meet her at eye level, "Aren't you scared? I control my own army!"

"I'm sure you do." She laughed politely.

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