"I got no spit." Cisco says and I raise a brow at him.

"Jaws." Wells says.

"I'm not just quoting Jaws. I mean my mouth is really dry right now." Cisco says.

"Do not get distracted by anything you see along the way." Jay says.

"What are we going to see?" Cisco asks him.

"Everything." Jay replies.

"Well, that doesn't add pressure." I say sarcastically.

"Do it, Jay." Barry commands.

The speed cannon turns on and I hold onto both Barry's hand and Cisco's and tightly as Barry grabs Wells. "Ok. Let's go." he says and suddenly, the four of us speed inside the breach and we were suddenly in a different area. "Holy 2001. I feel like I just opened my third eye." Cisco says and I just look around. Wells walks over to the wall, but it suddenly opens like a door. "Oh, my God." Barry says as he grabs my hand and drags me with him. "Ok, I'm impressed." I say as we follow Wells. We all walk out and see buildings and cars, but they all looked different compared to the ones we had back at Earth-1. "Welcome to Earth-2." Wells says and I just look at my surroundings. We make our way inside Earth-2 S.T.A.R. Labs just to see people walking around and all the tech around us. "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." Cisco says quoting The Wizard of Oz. "This is amazing. Half these things are just ideas on our earth." Barry says and I nudge him with my elbow. "Say it a little louder next time. I don't think the next earth heard you." I say to him telepathically. Cisco suddenly drags Barry with him to the S.T.A.R. Labs sign and they take a selfie with it making me sigh. "Ramon. This is not a sight-seeing tour." Wells says and I nod. "Speak for yourself. We want our grandkids to know we did cool stuff." Cisco says and I just shake my head. "Yeah, 'cause showing them you're a meta doesn't count as cool." I say to him and Barry nods. "Dr. Wells. Welcome back." I hear a voice say and I turn to see Henry. "Henry." Wells says shaking Henry's hand. "We weren't expecting you." Henry says returning the shake and the two science geeks next to me gasp in fear, and I just rolled my eyes at them as Barry wraps a protective arm around me.

"Yes, I didn't tell anyone I was coming back." Wells responds and I smack Barry's arm.

"Well, I thought you might've left town with all that's been happening." Henry says to him and Wells nods. "Are your friends ok?"

I look over to Barry and Cisco with a straight face as I cross my arms. "Yes, they're-- They're fine. They're excitable." Wells says and I turn back to Henry. "Well, these two are." I mumble as Henry clears his throat. "This is..." Wells starts to introduce him to us, but Henry soon introduces himself. "Henry Hewitt. Lab assistant. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Henry says holding out a hand and I shake it with a polite smile, then he shakes Barry's and Cisco's hands. "And you. I'm Tori. This is Barry and Cisco." I say kindly. "I'm Cisco. And you are just a nice, normal guy." Cisco says and I glare at him as I smack his arm. "Dr. Wells, will you and your visitors be needing a conference room?" Henry asks. "Not necessary, Henry. Our visit will be short. Good to see you." Wells says to Henry who walks away with a kind smile. "Good to see you, sir." Henry says as he walks away. Once he was out of sight, Wells looks at the two and I do the same. "He's a bad guy on Earth-1." Cisco says to Wells. "He looks just like him." Barry says and I raise a brow as I look at him. I shake my head at them as Wells walks away and they just look at me. "Can you two try to act natural?" I ask and they both sigh and nod.

We make our way into Wells' office, which lights up automatically, and I look around impressed as the Barry and Cisco geek out over the tech in the room, that's when I start paying attention to the newscast. "It's worse. It's worse than when I left. Zoom's turned up his reign of terror." Wells says to us. "Alright. Then let's find Zoom. Fast.  Cisco, do your thing." Barry says and we all look at Cisco. "Alright, Zoom. You can run, but you can't hide." Cisco says putting on his goggles to vibe. "Alright. You know what? You guys are crowding my space a little bit. I can't preform like this under pressure, ok? If you could just step back just a little bit." Cisco says and I roll my eyes as the three of us back up. "Take two." he says and he clears his throat, then puts the goggles back on. "Alright, Zoom. You can run..." Wells suddenly interrupts Cisco. "Ramon! What's happening?" Wells asks him and I wanted to know myself. "You know, I don't know, ok? I can't see anything. I don't know what's wrong. Maybe I lost my powers." Cisco says and I shake my head.

"I didn't lose my powers." Barry says and I lift my arm and levitate the pen from the desk.

"And I didn't lose mine either. Why would you lose your powers?" I ask.

"Here we go. The wavelength trigger's not responding. But that only happens if--"

"The frequency is imbalanced." Wells says.

"What?" Barry asks and I look at Wells confusingly.

"Our earth vibrates at a different frequency than yours." Wells says.

"Harry, without that frequency--"

"We're up a creek." Barry says finishing Cisco's sentence.

"...the latest attack was orchestrated by Zoom. And we understand that citizens of Central City are scared but I can assure you, the CCPD has been working diligently on thwarting the metahumans."

I look at the TV to see Barry's doppelganger on the news and I widen my eyes. "That's me." Barry says and I nod. "Yeah, it is." Cisco says and I smile as I cross my arms. "And you look like a full on geek here in this earth. It's kind of cute." I say and Barry nudges me slightly. "What? It's not like it's a different guy. It's you, just in Earth-2." I say and he just looks at me with a straight face. "We will stop Zoom. That's a promise." Earth-2 Barry says and I look at Barry. "The leadership of Detective Gomez." Cisco says and he puts a hand on my shoulder. "You're a cop here, Tori." Cisco says and I furrow my brows at him. "Who's to say it is me? It could be my dad." I say crossing my arms and Barry nods. "Yeah, but more importantly, I'm still CSI. I have a plan." Barry says and I look at him confusingly. He suddenly speeds out, then speeds back with Earth-2 him. "What just happened?" Earth-2 Barry asks and I widen my eyes. "Barry, what did you just think of?" I ask as Cisco laughs as he points his licorice at Earth-2 Barry, but that's when I finally get his idea. "Doppelganger!" he says and I run a hand through my hair. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. How did I get here?" Earth-2 Barry asks and he looks at me. "Tori? How did you get here, and how did you change so fast?" he asks me then looks at Barry. "Who are, who are you? How do you look like me?" he asks Barry as he runs a hand through his hair. "Allen, what are you doing?" Wells asks Barry.

"Harrison Wells." Earth-2 Barry says and he laughs. "The Harrison Wells! Oh, my God, am I in S.T.A.R. Labs? Ok, I have no idea what's going on here, but I've always wanted to meet you. Your thesis on string phenomenology was revolutionary to me."

"Oh, man." Barry says and I smile.

"I had the magazine laminated so I could keep it. I just wanna emulate."

I walk up to Earth-2 Barry as Wells throws a device to my Barry. "Yeah, Barry. Hi." I say and he grabs my waist. "Honey, it's Harrison Wells!" he says excitedly and I was confused to why he called me "honey", but I nod. "Yeah, honey, I know. Now just relax, ok?" I say and Barry tasers him making me catch him with my telekinesis. "What did you do? What is wrong with you? Have you turned into an evil you?" Cisco asks and I roll my eyes at him. "Relax. I just knocked him out." Barry says and I look at Earth-2 Barry. "Oh. But why'd you even  bring him over here?" Cisco asks him still confused at that part. "So he could become him." Wells says and I nod in agreement. "While you guys work on the goggles, I will go to CCPD as him, see if I can figure out what information they have on Zoom's previous sightings." Barry says and I look at him as I put Earth-2 Barry on the chair. "We can use those sightings to triangulate Zoom's hideout." Wells says and Cisco starts to understand. "Ok, that's a good plan. Just remember what Jay said, ok? Things here are all sorts of trippy." Cisco says and Barry nods. "Look, I'll be fine." Barry says as he reaches to grab the glasses off of Earth-2 Barry, but I grab his hand and he looks at me. "Be careful out there." I say and he nods pecking my lips. "I can handle it. Easy." he says and I nod letting him get changed as Earth-2 Barry, then we take him into a closet and leave him there handcuffed to the shelves.

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