"Bye! Kick butt! Stay safe!" they call.

"You too!" I laugh.

After stepping out of the camp lines and watching what must look like a bunch of trees to normal people slowly disappear, Tory gives a nervous smile.

"So when do we get to the monsters?" she asks. "'Cause I REALLY wanna get some field experience."

"Don't worry, it's New York, there'll be plenty of 'field experience'." I say, laughing.

"Tell me about it." Connor groans.

Thirty minutes later, we're waving to Argus from the window of a train. It'll take us straight to Rochester. Straight to Tory's old foster home.

"So, what's it like?" I ask her.

"Well, it's run by a woman named Momma J who's incredibly nice. She doesn't know about monsters, but she understood when I had to leave. She was the last foster home I ever had." she says with a faraway look in her eye.



(Tory's POV)

I'm crying as I pack my bag. I don't wanna leave, but those men who stopped by were scary! And if Momma J taught me anything, it's that family comes first, and those men are a danger to my family. It's probably the fear talking, but for a second they looked like monsters! They were looking for me. I put Momma J and the others in danger. I've got to leave.

I sniff as I lay my letter explaining everything on my bed. Quietly, I finish packing, sling my bag over my shoulders, and tiptoe down the stairs.

"At least say goodbye."

I freeze. 'Busted.' I think, before turning around.

"Look, Tory, I'm not mad." Momma J says and relief floods through me. "I know you never do anything without reason, and I know you'll make it on your own. But at least say goodbye." she says, getting up and hugging me.

I'm still for a second and then I'm crying into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Momma J. Those men were after me and I can't put everyone in danger."

"Shhh, honey, it's okay. It's okay." she says in a soothing tone. "You do what you gotta do. You'll always have a home here, never forget that. I'll miss you."

I pull away. "I'll miss you, too. I'll be back someday, I promise. Goodbye, Momma J. This was the best foster home I ever had."

"Goodbye, Tory. Good luck." she says, her eyes watering.

I walk to the door, take one last look, and then I'm gone.



(Victoria's POV)

"So, this is it." I say, looking at a decent house in the middle of Rochester. New York Academy is just outside Rochester, and there're a bunch of farmer's markets around, so it's actually a pretty convenient area.

"Yeah, Momma J's inside, so I'll go let her know we're here." Tory says, then steps inside.

While we're waiting, it gets colder and I shiver. Connor looks over and smirks.


"How could you tell? The incessant shivering or the snow?" I ask sarcastically.

"Well, that, and the fact that your cheeks are as red as roses right now." he smiles as I blush.

My Life as One of the Most Powerful Demigods Ever. (A Percy Jackson Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now