"I guess so," he replied, "much better than yesterday."

"Good," I smirked. "You can help out in the farm."

He gulped, looking worried. "The farm?"

I nodded my head and pulled his hand. He so had to stop being so afraid of animals and begin to work with them and also he had to have fun.

“But, what about my breakfast?” He asked.

“Forget about that.”


I so give up! Eric is useless, clumsy, terrible with animals and the list goes on. He couldn’t do anything right with any of the animals. I tried to get him to milk the cows but all his did was squirt the milk on my face. I tried to teach him how to take care of a bull but he didn’t listen and almost got us killed by it. He got chased again by the chickens for pulling out one of the feathers when trying to get an egg and he bit on the butt by a duck called Bitey. There is a reason why it was named Bitey. And lastly he poked a lamb in the eye after trying to stoke its head like it was a dog. 

“Eric, don’t take this the wrong way but…” I took in a deep breath. “You’re absolutely hopeless and rubbish with animals. You can’t do a simple job right. How can a person be like that?”

I repeated everything that I had just said back in my head and realised that was a little harsh. I glanced at Eric’s face and he looked shocked and taken aback. Now I regretted saying it.

“I’m sorry,” I apologised, “I didn’t mean to-“

Then he started to laugh. “Do you think you’ve hurt my feelings? Because everything you’ve just said is true so I’m not going to end up in tears.”

“Oh,” I murmured, “that’s good. But you are terrible with them. I mean who pokes a sheep in the eye?”

He chuckled. “Um…now can I have my breakfast?”

I had totally forgotten about that. “Sorry! I forgot. Let’s go!”

We walked on the grass and enjoyed the cool breeze that raced past us. Purposely, I made us go to the house the long way so I could tire him out. On our way, I decided to show him the vegetable field. 
I sighed, sadly as I looked at the colourless place. The vegetables wern't growing and all the crops were all dying. It hadn't rained for almost a month and because of the loss of water, nothing was growing properly anymore. Most of the crops had already died and the vegetables hadn't even grown yet. 
The field is too big for us to water it alone and the wont get enough water anyway. We needed the rain but there was no sign of it for a long time.

"What's happened here?" Eric asked me.

Sighing agian, I opened my mouth to speak. "It hasn't rained for a while now so everythings dying and nothing is growing."

Eric looked at me sadly. "It'll rain soon."

"You think so?"

"I know so," he smiled. Just then his smile grew bigger like he had a plan up his sleeve. 


"Nothing," he said, "it's really nothing." 

"Yeah right. Now tell me." 

"Rose, I mean it. It's nothing." 

"Fine, don't tell me." 

I turned around and started walked again past the barn. Eric ran up behind me and walked at the same pace as me. He nudged me and stared at the barn. 

“You guys have horses?” He asked, amazed.

“Yeah,” I nodded, “We’ve had them since we lived here.”

Remember Me [F I N I S H E D - I S H - will be rewriting soon]Where stories live. Discover now