“I didn’t get that kind of greeting” My mum jealously scoffed.

“Well I would have given you that greeting if you didn’t squeeze it out of me first” I rolled my eyes.

“You still could have given me an excited greeting” I groaned I walked up to her and squeezed her the same way she did a few minutes ago.

“Ok darling I think that’s enough” My mum insisted.

“No I’m not done yet” I squeezed her tighter, my father chuckled.

“No Sunday I insist” My mum pleaded with me, I laughed.

“Oh fine since you truly insist” I let go of her I giggled when I saw her face, it was completely red.

“Wow that hug seemed to take the breath out of you mum” I joked, my dad came up and put his arms around me while snickering. My mum glared at me while trying to catch her breath.

It’s good to be back home.

Louis’ POV

I was so pissed off I actually searched up the definition of pissed off. And it definitely described what I was feeling right now. I mean why would Sunday not tell me she didn’t feel comfortable going on with this whole thing? Why couldn’t she just tell me herself instead of getting her boyfriend? Her boyfriend. I must admit that guy is a jerk he didn’t have to rub it in my face about how much Sunday didn’t want to be with me.

She just feels obligated to do that so save her from the misery…

That one really hurt, am I that much of a bother to Sunday? That I’ve become something as an obligation to her? I can’t believe that just happened…I can’t believe that Sunday has a boyfriend and didn’t tell me about him, was this recent? Or was she always with him? Why didn’t she tell me?

Just forget it Louis she doesn’t want to be around you anymore so it doesn’t matter anymore….

I excused my thoughts and just focused on the ride home after the boyfriend came to say ‘hi’ I had this sudden urge to go home early. Yet I still slip back into the war and questions in my head. Should I ask my mum about this? No wait, I can’t she doesn’t even know about this, maybe I should call Sunday to get a more clear understanding about all this, no I shouldn’t I need to save her from the ‘misery’.

I finally pulled into my house I took out my belongings and walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. My mum came to door and looked surprised.

“Louis I thought you were coming on Monday?” My mum questioned.

“I had a change of plans” I grunted and let myself inside.

“Is everything alright Louis” My mum asked worriedly

“JUST DANDY!” I yelled back at her.

I walked into my room and locked myself in. I started unpacking even though I really shouldn’t since I’m only staying for a few days. But I was just that mad, I hear someone entering my room, well trying to, I took my chair and stuck it under the handle. The door kept shaking and rattling around. I sighed and walked up to the door pulled the chair away and opened the door.

“Why did you lock the door?” Lottie asked as she walked into my room.

“Just felt like I needed my space” I shrugged and resumed unpacking.

“You came to wrong place for that” Lottie scoffed.

“No seriously Louis what’s wrong?” She asked with concern in her voice.

“Look Lottie I don’t want to talk about it right now, maybe later ok” I protested.

“Ok whatever you say” She shrugged and walked out of the room.

A few minutes later a knock was on my door. Ugh Lottie was right there’s absolutely no privacy in this house. I opened the door.

“Louis!” Phoebe cried out and hugged my legs. I smiled.

“Hey Phoebe, how are you?” I asked.

“I missed you” She says completely ignoring my question.

“I missed you too” I chuckled. I picked her up and walked into my room, I laid down on the bed while I cuddled her.

“Hey Phoebe” I whispered.

“Yes Louis” She answered in the same voice.

“If you didn’t like me anymore, you would tell me right?” I asked her.

“I would, but that would never happen” She giggled.

“And why is that?” I smiled.

“Because you’re Louis, everyone loves you Louis” She tells me. I hold her tighter and laughed.

“I guess your right” I chuckled.

“Of course I am” She smiled holding me tighter also.

Only I wish she was right.


Aww poor Louis... I actually wasn't going to update today but I thought why not for you guys;) I hope you enjoyed it, I absolutely loved the reactions from last chapter keep it up I love seeing your reactions! We're almost close to the 30 votes!! Which means you guys are that much closer to seeing a description of my second book I'm excited! Are you? if you are can you guess what book it might be? I'd love to see them!

Anyways I hope you guys have a wonderful day!<3

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