"Helping the boys get ready for their concert, are you going out somewhere with Jakob?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah! He told me that Adrienne had an extra ticket to see the Les Mis musical, and so we're going with her." Morgan explained happily.

"Oh lucky, I love that play. Anyways, I wish I could talk more but I'm needed apparently in the havoc upstairs. Jakob's in his room, hope you have fun tonight!" She waved goodbye and I raced back upstairs to find Cole and Max arguing about the setlist, Joey and Travis being complete idiots while Caroline tried to get them back on track, and Ryan was observing it all.

"You look like you're having a great time." I said sarcastically to Ryan, and he smirked.

"I think Caroline's having an even better one." He mentioned, as she pushed Joey and Travis apart before they started breaking things.

"Man Joey must be a good kisser, cause I have no idea why she's staying with him."

"You're such a nice sister." Ryan teased, and I stuck my tongue out playfully. Seeing as nothing was going to get done, I decided I needed to take control.

"HEY," I yelled, and the boys all shut up and turned to me, "You guys have to be at The Gilman in less than an hour! Cole, Max, you're brothers, work out the setlist nicely. Travis, Joey, you two are graduating high school soon, stop acting like imbeciles and prepare for the show. You guys are a team, now start acting like one!"

They all stood silent for a moment and finally Max said, "She's right. Cole, I think you're right, let's have Lost at 17 after The Rescuers." I smiled and finally, the boys got the act together. We finally got to the cars and Caroline had kindly offered to drive Joey, Travis, Ryan and I while Cole and Max would meet us there. Billie had decided not to come because it was hard for him not to be recognized at the Gilman, and he wanted the attention to be on Emily's Army, not Green Day. He wished the boys good luck, and watched as we drove off. Joey luckily got to sit in the front with Caroline while I was squished between Travis and Ryan in the back.

Travis started making high pitched noises while we were on the freeway, and I asked, "Travis, what the hell are you doing?"

He looked at me and said, "Warming up! It helps me relax before a show."

"Well you're gonna make me crash if you don't stop because you sound like a dying animal." Caroline sassed, and I laughed as Travis pouted.

"Ha ha, fuck you Neumann." Joey teased, turning around and sticking his tongue out at Travis.

"Real mature Joey, you should be very proud." I said, and he just flipped me off.

We finally arrived at the Gilman and Joey and Travis rushed inside to go get ready.

I was about to follow in when I turned to Caroline and asked, "Hey, you coming in?"

She shook her head and replied, "I'm gonna wait for Cole and Max to get here, you guys go in." I nodded and led Ryan inside. The Gilman's an extremely tiny space, with a small little stage at the front. All the musical equipment was set up and I saw Joey already sitting at his drums, testing them out.

I climbed on stage and asked, "You nervous?"

He shook his head and replied, "Nah, by now I'm used to it. Besides, I love seeing fans." He looked behind me, just seeing Ryan and asked, "Where's Caroline?"

"Oh, she offered to stay outside to wait for Cole and Max." I answered.

Joey muttered something like, "She shouldn't be out there alone at night." Then he stood up and headed back outside. I rolled my eyes and watched as Travis picked up his guitar and started strumming it.

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