Chapter One Hundred Two

Depuis le début

Liam hears it before he sees them, "Daddy!" Bella shrieks, making Liam look around in confusion as he can't spot the girl, but he definitely knows that's her voice. "Incoming" Niall warns just as Bella collides with Liam's legs, her head dangerously close to hitting a certain area, "Daddy you're back" she exclaims, as Liam works to untangle her arms so he can pick her up. "Of course I'm back, I told you I'd be back soon. Now where's Baba?" Liam asks as he adjusts his grip on her and his suitcase. "Baba's over that way" Bella answers vaguely, gesturing in the direction she came from, "does he know you're with me?" Liam asks, arching an eyebrow at the three (almost four) year old, who avoids his gaze, and bites her lip, which tells Liam that no, Zayn doesn't know where Bella is, and he can only imagine how panicked his husband is right now, with their daughter lost in the busy airport. "Arabella, you know better. It's not safe to run away from Baba, especially in a place as busy as this" Liam scolds, Bella just shakes her head at him, "wanted you Daddy" she mumbles but Liam shakes his head, "I know Princess, but you can't run off, it's not safe. And I have a feeling Baba is scared, wondering where you are" he explains. Bella just shakes her head stubbornly and Liam knows she's not going to be happy when he puts her in time out once they're home, but he also knows it has to happen.

"I see Josh, he's with Zayn, who looks freaked out" Niall says suddenly before he disappears towards where Liam can just now see the top of Zayn's head, so he follows his best friend. Once they break through of the crowd Liam sees Zayn, who has one hand on the double stroller as he looks around, obvious panic on his face, as he searches the area for Bella."She was just right here Josh, where the hell did she go?" Zayn asks, his voice sounding thick with emotion, "Zee, look" Josh murmurs pointing his way and Liam watches as Zayn follows his gaze, obvious relief on his face before his look turns stern. Bella just whimpers before she hides her face in Liam's neck, "see Baba was worried" Liam hums but Bella shakes her head, "no Baba's angry" she mutters. Liam smiles sadly, moving her around so he can see her face, "he's only a little angry, just like I am, come on. Let's go see him" he hums, closing the gap between where he's standing and Zayn. "Arabella Trisha Malik-Payne, how many times have I told you not to run off like that. What if something happened to you?" Zayn scolds gently, reaching out pull her from Liam's arms, "wanted Daddy" she mumbles and Zayn sighs, "I know you did Boo, but you scared me" Zayn murmurs, pressing kisses to her face before he sets her down on her feet, holding onto her hand. "Come here" Zayn mumbles reaching out with his other hand for Liam, who doesn't hesitate just throws himself into his husband's arms. "I missed you. You aren't allowed to leave me alone with all three of them ever again" Zayn mumbles into Liam's neck and Liam chuckles, "I'll try not to" Liam murmurs locking his lips onto Zayn's in a kiss.

Liam pulls away from Zayn, ignoring his husband's pout as he turns his attention to his babies in the stroller, they're both asleep, and Liam coos slightly at how adorable they look, snuggled into their blankets, as they sleep. "I missed my babies" Liam pouts as he straightens up and locks eyes with Zayn again, who grins at him, "they missed you too" Zayn hums. "We're gonna go, I'll see you later Li" Niall says suddenly, snapping Liam's attention away from his husband and towards his best friend, that's wrapped around Josh. "Yeah, bye Niall. See ya Josh" Liam hums, reaching out to pull Bella back into his arms when she whines and reaches out to him. "Bye" Niall and Josh say in unison before they walk away towards the exit. "We should go too. The twins haven't eaten in a few hours and I'm expecting them to wake up screaming any minute now" Zayn says and Liam nods, "don't want that here, do we?" he asks Bella who shakes her head seriously at him. "It's too loud Daddy" she nods and Liam chuckles "your brother and sister are too loud?" he asks and Bella nods, as they start walking towards the exit.

Liam realizes just how tired he is from the trip as soon as they arrive back at home, Bella takes off into the house as soon as the door opens and Liam watches her go shaking his head, deciding to forget about the looming time out, just this once. He helps Zayn carry the still sleeping twins into the house before returning to the car to get his bags, deciding he can unpack in the morning. Right now Liam just wants to cuddle his husband and babies, once they wake up that is. He lets out a content sigh as he drops onto the couch and Zayn laughs "glad to be home?" he asks and Liam just nods, "I missed home. And you guys" he mumbles. Zayn nods dropping to sit beside him, "I missed you Li. So much" Zayn mumbles. Liam frowns and pulls Zayn sideways into him "I missed you. It's hard to sleep without you there now" he mumbles, before pressing his lips onto Zayn's. Zayn grins as they pull apart, "I was thinking. In a couple days, once you've had time to be with the kids again, we send them to your mum's or mine. And have a night to ourselves" he murmurs. Liam grins, resting his forehead on Zayn's "I love that idea" he hums kissing Zayn again, just as there's two very loud, very annoyed cries filling the room. "Your babies want you" Zayn grins and Liam rolls his eyes smiling, "I'll get the babies if you get the bottles" he offers and Zayn nods, "of course" he answers getting up to go to the kitchen as Liam moves to where they left the twins in their carseats on the floor.

"Hey Chloe, you're okay" Liam coos as he unstraps her from the seat, "aww Zack Attack Daddy's home now, shh" he hums unstrapping the second baby from his seat as well. Before he scoops both babies who seem to be bigger than when he left, into his arms. "Daddy missed his babies. Did you miss Daddy?" he murmurs bouncing slightly as he walks towards the couch, both babies seem to calm slightly once they're settled in his arms, "don't worry Baba's getting you some food" Liam coos, readjusting his hold once he's sitting down. Bella reappears then, climbing onto the couch and cooing down at the babies in his arms, as she leans into Liam's side. "Hey Princess, where'd you go?" Liam asks, turning his attention towards the three year old for a second. Bella grins, leaning up and kissing his cheek, "I missed you Daddy" she mumbles, and Liam frowns, "I missed you too Arabella, so much" he murmurs, leaning sideways to kiss her head. "Were you a good girl and helped Baba with the babies while I was away?" Liam asks, as he sees Zayn coming back into the room two bottles in hand, "she was a big help, weren't you Bella-Bug?" Zayn answers for her, scooping Chloe out of Liam's arms as he does, which makes Liam frown. "Oh stop. You and I both know you can't give them both a bottle at the same time, trust me. And you can have her back as soon as they're done" Zayn laughs, making Liam pout more. "Baba's being mean to me, tell him to stop" he mumbles to Bella who just giggles, shaking her head at him, before she snuggles closer to his side.

A/N: Hey look an update...hope you guys enjoy it. 
Sorry it took me a couple weeks...but here you go fluffy, fluffy, fluff. I have a problem though, I feel like I should be ending this, but I can't seem to bring myself to wrap it up.
Anyways let me know what you guys thought of the updates and I'll be back soon(ish) with more.
Until next time

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