Poem #32 by sana_junaid

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there was a soft smile sat peacefully on her face. her eyes half shut seeming as if she just woke up from her sleep. he had always praised her beauty since the day he truly got to know her. the true her. but at this very moment what he felt was a complete burden to him. he never wanted to stare at her with his eyes filled with compassion and dejection. there was love too. somewhere hidden in the sheath made from compassion and dejection. but he could not shower his love on her for he knew his love had occupied the properties of sword and if he tried to pour even the size of an atom of love, it would just shatter her severely.

it was clear enough to notice the remaining glow residing in her honey coloured eyes and that's what he loved about her. she was tough and the kind of girl who never gave up very easily. it was like there was a spark in her which was struggling. a positivity struggling. struggling in the ever so increasing darkness to survive. she nodded her head slightly toward him indicating him to bring his face closer to hers. he inched his face closer, just enough for her to bring her lips to his ear. she whispered to him, "i'm going back to the stars."

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