Poem #29 by Jessieleann04

39 5 7

They looked

They cried

I couldn't look away

The thoughts

Their eyes

Were trying to say

Hunger, pain-

Where is my bread?

The men were in vain

That's what they said

I looked over at a beaten figure

Striped of humanity

And the rememberance of reality

This wasn't who this figure was

She wasn't a figure at all

This Lady was a mother of two

Until these men made her fall

I then seen a man in a corner

He was crying from the pain

These soldiers kicked and beaten him

Until he was a scarlet stain

The top of his head was shaven-

to free away the lice

His mother must have never mentioned

But you never get it twice

Small hands gripped the dirty railing

Wishing to be free

Her voice was nearly failing

A small reminder of who she used to be

This cart if full of a hundred Jews-

Maybe even more

Men, women- children, too

With hearts that are so sore

Can you imagine that this was not the only cart-

But one of thousands that were beaten down

Because of Hitler's heart

One word describes this horrific event

The one word that we tried to hide

But it's no denying- the message is sent

And I have no intention to hide

A millon- or more- people died

So many souls were lost

I guess I have to tell you

This was the Holocaust

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