Poem #18 by EmileaXX

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You are more beautiful than the night sky on the most clear and shining night,

More beautiful than the stereotypes that cloud your mind and leave you broken,

More beautiful than any star that has ever been or will ever be bright,

More beautiful than the flowers on the grave showing off their love for the dead and the deceased,

More beautiful than any waterfall that kisses the rocks below as it crashes into waves of blue,

More beautiful than any sunset past, present, or future it's beauty will never be as great as yours,

For you are an angel,

A gift from the father above,

A lonely girl searching the world for her place,

She looks and looks,

And yet...she can't find it in plain sights,

It takes determination and willpower to fine her place, to find her passion,

It doesn't just show up,

It won't just come out of the dark,

You, you lonely girl, must search the darkness,

You have to dig the hole and burry yourself in it,

Trying your best to find your way in a world where no one really knows,

No one truly cares,

You have to try, try to find the secrets no one seeks,

Try to find what makes you, weak,

For the lonely girl, she is you, and she makes you strong just like I do,

For your beauty is unknown to you,

You don't see amazing eyes that hold the forest,

Or beautiful skin that tells a story,

Each freckle and blemish, beautiful,

Each mark making you, you,

Making you the lonely girl,

For you are more beautiful than the galaxy above, and all of it's colors, and it's swirls, and it's love,

For you are pure like the Lord's dove,

Your heart is pure,

Your mind is pure,

You think of yourself lesser than others,

You don't see your worth, lonely girl you have worth,

You're worth more than the suns that shadow light unto this world,

Worth more than the gold in the treasures we seek,

You'll always be worth the love you desire,

And you are worth every man's love and heart and perfection and his soul and mind and thoughts,

You're worth it all,

Worth a thousand galaxies layed and bathed in silver,

Worth a million lifetimes and a billion souls,

Worth more than numbers can count,

For lonely girls are worth it all,

If they'd just not be lonely anymore.

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