The threat from a best friend and the proposition of a sister

Start from the beginning

Aryan POV:

"Jasmeet, what have you done now?" I asked my best friend once Enzo had left. The girl in front of me just looked at me and I knew that she was struggling finding words for her feelings. The intense moment with the best friend of this school clearly affected her in ways she did not want.

Once I reached school, I heard already the latest gossip. Enzo and Jasmeet had a movie like moment and Nathalie threatened him. I rubbished this rumors; I mean why fate would push them again in a situation with each other. The whole situation caught my attention and I found myself thinking repeatedly about this. I worried for Jasmeet and feared that she would eventually fall for him. My biggest wish was that she would find someone who loved and cherished her. My gut feeling told me that it would never be Enzo Morales, no matter how kind he had been towards her and me as well.
I crossed my arms and told her in a strict manner:
" Jasmeet Hailee Kaur, what was this? Do I detect a hint of romance blossoming? I told you to watch your back. Try to avoid him from now on. I know he seems like a nice guy; but do not trust him!" She did not answer me and stared guiltily on the floor, I urged her: "Jasmeet, where is your voice? Please answer and tell me that you understand what I mean!" After I completed my sentence it seemed like she found her voice again and replied me:"Aryan, I know you are right. I even told him that he should keep his distance. The only thing is, he seemed slightly hurt!" I could not believe my ears, she cared for him and feared that she hurt him; this was not good at all.

"Jassy, this is not your responsibility. I know that you feel something for him; I see it in your eyes. But I urge you not to give in these feelings!" I retorted and she nodded agreeing: "Aryan, I will follow your advice and keep my distance. I mean as I told Samara already; how hard will it be avoid him?" I wiggled my head approving and we strolled to our class. The whole day passed by in a blurr and nothing exciting happened except one moment in the corridor. The only time when we saw Enzo and Shawn was while walking to our maths class. I noticed very fast that instantly Jasmeet lowered her gaze in order to avoid the eyes of the boy who stood up for her twice. I stared at Enzo and realized that he also tried not to catch her eyes.

"So this happened in school?" my sister Amrita wanted to know. We both sat in the kitchen and drank some indian tea; she prepared earlier. Our parents were not home yet, they were with Jasmeet's to plan the wedding. I also hoped that Jasmeet's mother would talk some sense into my mother.

Amrita was very close to Jasmeet too, they just did not have so much time to hang out with each other as my sibling studied medicine and had to invest many hours in her study, in this way neglecting her friendships. I did not understand why my parents urged me to marry and did not force my sister to marry. Indian traditions normally pushed the girls towards marriage; however, this was not the case with mine. Both of them had been very happy when she announced she got admitted at the medicine university of London. Medicine was something which both thought was the highest education possible and they were very proud of her as she would be able to heal and help people. This happiness even resulted in them postponing the impending marriage talk; their plan was to marry her off right after high school. This intention was revoked the moment she revealed her plans for higher education.

Amrita had very long brown hair and was very thin. She was truly a beauty and managed to catch the eyes of many boys, she just chose to ignore them. Her eyes were very dark and one could easily get lost in the depth of them. I was positive that if she wanted she could marry anyone she liked.
"Aryan, I know that you only want the best for her, but what if it is meant to be this way? Maybe Enzo could be the boy about whom she has been dreaming. Did you not think about this in this way? I would advise you not to tell her to keep her distance. Yes, he is Shawn's best friend but perhaps it would be good to look beyond the surface!" she voiced her opinion. I looked up and gave her a stare of disbelief. Enzo being the prince charming for my best friend? This was really a thought making me cringe. Jasmeet and Enzo were definitely not meant to be together. Amrita was someone who did not judge a person before knowing them. This attitude of hers really impressed me but made me also question my actions.
I wanted to reply her that she was wrong in so many ways, however she added; not giving me a chance to respond her:
"My dear brother, sometimes you just have to let destiny play itself out. Maybe he is really the boy for her, and but do not judge him beforehand. Get to know him better! It could be that your opinion about him is totally wrong. Just because he is the best friend of Shawn, does not make him a bad person. After all he also defended you!"
This made actually sense, I decided I would start talking to Enzo and find out if he really was the wrong person for my best friend or if I had been wrong assuming this. I remembered also the quote that one should not judge before knowing a person well. Therefore I agreed with her: "Okay, Amrita. I will get to know him better and then I will pass my judgment!" This earned me an exciting squeal of my sister and she proceeded to hug me.


so what do you think my dear followers? Is amrita right and what do you think about Shawn threatening Enzo? and could there be something between them? Or not? Please leave your comments. I am really curious to find out what you think about this chapter. and what do you think will happen in the next chapter? Let me know, it is really awsum reading your thoughts and opinions.


Sarah He.

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