"I just can't believe this is happening." He chuckled as he turned her and kissed her forehead.

"Me too." He looked ahead as she closed her eyes and Daniyah felt Emaad's hand curling into a fist on her back.


Emaad's eyes were on Daniyah's back which was turned to him, her slender frame covered with silk comforter. She was fast asleep and Emaad was in a continuous battle. It had been more than three hours since their arrival and since last two hours he had been getting continuous messages from Mishaal, he tried handling the matter but her last message was a complete threat. Emaad rubbed his temples thinking about what he should do next, now that Daniyah was finally here his every move would be seen by his father and he has to be really careful. The phone started vibrating again from his side, cursing under his breath he picked the device and looked at the caller ID. Throwing the comforter away from his body he got out of bed as he ended the call, picking his jacket he quietly he walked towards the sliding doors which were leading to the attached balcony.

The phone was ringing as his eyes were closed and he ran his hand though his hair.

"What?" He heard her snap from the other side and opened his eyes.

"Mishaal for the love of God try to understand my situation!" He dejectedly whispered massaging the bridge of his nose.

"I want you here right now!" He heard her angrily sniff.

"And what would I tell her when I will come back?" He mocked a question.

"I don't care! I am not feeling well Emaad," and her swollen body came in front of his eyes as he sighed. Few seconds passed as he had his eyes closed, he wanted to see her too and his head was now throbbing. Turning to look at the girl peacefully sleeping unaware of what happening around her, he nodded. "I am coming." He whispered as he ended the call.


The bright sunlight was making its way inside their bedroom was the reason which made her groan and she scrunched her eyes, spreading her hand she tried to get to Emaad but the absence of his body and his cold place made her got up, blinking for a second she pulled her body as she looked around the room. Her eyes spotted the clock placed on her bedside table; it was eight in the morning. Her forehead creased as she pushed the comforter off her body and placed her feet on the floor covered with plush carpet, closing her eyes she ran her feet on the soft texture.

Standing up she made her way towards the attached bathroom but the unlocked doors made her frown. Instead of going inside she went for the door to find Emaad, wrapping her arms around herself she descended the stairs looking around and still there was no sign of him, but the noise coming from the kitchen led her feet there. There was an elderly woman standing in front of the stove and on her arrival turned to meet her, with short height the woman was dressed in simple kameez shalwar with her head covered with dupatta, a genuine smile decorating her oval face, Daniyah could see the hint of pepper salt hair peeking from the dupatta.

"Asalam O Alikum bibi jee. I am Nausheen, jee, I am Ghulam Muneeb's wife."

"Ghulam Muneeb?" Daniyah confusedly asked as she extended her hands to meet the hand of woman standing in front of her.

"The guard, jee." Nausheen smiled as she pointed towards the door.

"Oh! I am sorry I didn't know the names," Daniyah sheepishly smiled.

"Aray it's okay bibi jee!"

"Please call me Daniyah!" Daniyah quickly interjected the woman and saw the smile on her face widen.

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