Chapter 2

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Formidable ache clouding her notion

As her eyes riveted the polaroid

Salty moisture blotching the blithe faces

She grimaced upon the venemous aroma 

Devouring the  first drop of Judas' Kiss

April 17

"I am tired can we just end this?" Daniyah groaned as she took a place on the corner table of a cafe along with her mother, Janaan and her mother-in-law.

"Mom, Daniyah and I have to attend Mohib's engagement tonight at any cost!" Janaan also pleaded her mother who had been making them stop at every designer shop to find the perfect dress for Daniyah. Today, they were out going around all the bridal shops to get the perfect dress for both barat and walima, Emaad was supposed to accompany them but due to an urgent meeting out of the city he left last night. Daniyah sighed and thanked Allah that Emaad didn't come with them or he would have started throwing tantrums by now, he hated shopping unlike his mother.

"No! Not at all! We still have couple of shops to look and I really like that purple dress for walima! And tell me one thing, is the dress for our event is more important or an engagement of your friend?" Talat Kirmani dismissed the topic before it can even start.

The rest of the afternoon and early evening went in the hunt of the perfect dress so at 6 in the evening with three possible options for barat and two for walima, Dainyah finally managed to convince Mrs. Kirmani to return back with the promise that they are again coming for shopping the next Saturday.

By the time Daniyah reached her home she was completely exhausted, a part of her wanted to miss the event but another part of her knew that if she won't attend it Mohib and Bisma will kill her. So after half an hour of rest she dragged herself to the bathroom, deciding on a quick shower she quickly closed the door of the washroom and stand under the warm water which was relaxing her nerves. After being done with it she wore her soft purple bath robe and walked out of the washroom letting her hair dry naturally, quickly picking up her moisturizer she applied it on her hands and feet and sat in front of the mirror to blow dry her hair, she was half way through when her phone ringed but with short time to get ready she decided to ignore it, though she knew who would it be but with the faith that he would understand she continued doing her work.

An hour later she was done with her makeup which included bronze smoky eyes complimenting the peach lip gloss and matte blusher, her hair were left open with loose curls. Going towards the walk-in closet she picked out coral peach anarkali gown with golden embroidery on top and along her sleeves. She paired it with peach stone and golden earrings and same color glass bangles adoring both her wrists. Picking up her golden clutch and cell phone she walked out of her room and descended the stairs towards the lounge where her parents were sitting in the living room having their tea. Daniyah looked at the pendulum clock on the wall which was showing that she was twenty minutes late so quickly informing her parents, she rushed outside.

Sitting in the back of her Lexus gifted to her by her father on her graduation while the driver was driving it, she dialed Emaad but frowned when he didn't pick up, after few more attempt she gave up.

The banquet where the event was being held was only twenty minutes away from her home so she beamed when she entered the place to find that she had the perfect timings though a lot of her friends had already reached the venue except Janaan and couple more. She quickly made her way towards her friends where they all were busy in conversations, laughing occasionally on jokes. They greeted her as their eyes fell on her and after receiving all the compliments and thanking them with her smile she went to the stage where Mohib and Bisma were standing meeting other guests.

Mohib had been her long time friend, basically Janaan, Mohiba and Daniyah had known each other since A-levels, so they are like family to each other. She winked at the pair and mouthed her congratulation when Mohib forced her to join them on stage, dressed in black tuxedo with green tie complementing the mint color lehnga Bisma was wearing their pair was looking beautiful, happiness was radiating through them and Daniyah wished them a life full of blessings. After snapping few pictures with them she left the couple to enjoy their moment and joined the rest of her group again.

The night went on with playful conversations, taking a lot of pictures, remembering old jokes and incidents and by the midnight Daniyah took the leave. She almost forgot about Emaad in past four hours she spend with her friends, it was when she sat back in her car that she felt a bit guilty for not calling him, so making a mental note to call him as soon as she get back home and change into more comfortable clothes, she closed her eyes.

By the time she reached her home Daniyah was completely exhausted and her eyes were dropping, getting out of the car she dragged herself inside and up her bedroom, she knew everyone was sleeping by now as she informed her parents that she would be late. Once inside her room the first thing she did was to take off her stilettos and after it she took her pajamas and went inside the washroom to change. With sore limbs she fell on her bed with a conflicting mind of calling Emaad or to just excuse through a text, at this late hour when sleep was getting the best of her the latter seem the best option, so, unlocking her cell phone she messaged him but was also disappointed when she saw that he didn't even return to her earlier calls, as being with her friends she didn't get the chance to continuously check her phone. Sighing she send him a text message then opened her whatsapp to send a message from their too but stopped when she saw a message from an unknown number which had send her some pictures.

Dragging her body up Daniyah sat, resting her back on the headboard she turned on the bedside lamp. Opening the messages her eyes went wide and a gasp left her mouth, the drowsiness she was feeling minutes ago was long gone and instead of it there was bitter pain in her chest, anger, frustration and so many unsettling emotions, she could feel the bile rise in her throat. Throwing the covers away from her body she called the sender of the images which were more like nightmares to her.

"The number you have dialed is powered off," she cursed under her breath as she heard the operator but she didn't stop, she dialed again, again and then again but met the same voice.

Removing the phone from her ear she looked at the pictured again which were haunting her thoughts now, it was Emaad along with a girl sharing a lot of intimate moments.

It's photo-shop, a part of her brain argued.

You know it isn't! She heard a voice in her head.

Someone is playing a prank on you! He loves you way too much.

You know it's real! You have edited enough pictures to tell!

Her eyes were now burning with tear.

In one he was there lying with bare chest and a woman lying beside him, their bodies covered with sheets and it looked like Emaad was the one who took the pictures.

Another one was taken by the girl herself and they both were kissing.

And the last one which broke something inside Daniyah was the one in which Emaad was kissing the girl's flat stomach, too fondly; the message was clear in the picture.

She wanted to puke, she wanted to scream and most of all she wanted to kill the sender but she was helpless, completely helpless.

Wiping her tears she dialed Emaad but when his phone went unanswered she fell on the ground. Clutching her arms, hugging herself she chocked on the lump forming in her throat, she didn't know what was happening, she wanted to curse herself for believing in just three images and doubt the person she loved, the man she is about to marry but there was something holding her to this betrayal, a part of her convincing that all what she saw was true, and the scariest thing was this irrational part of her was more dominant than the part she was calling rational.



How are you guys? 

Whoa things are getting messier minute by minute! 

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Till the next time...


Zehra :)

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