Chapter 6

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Better?  I say, in a small voice. How can he think this is better?

Better never means better for everyone, he says. It always means worse, for some.

-Margaret Atwood,

The Handmaid's Tale

Scorching heat of Karachi welcomed Emaad as he stepped out of the arrival lounge of Jinnah airport and he winced, not that Lahore was better. Summer has started in Pakistan and it was a trial in itself. Taking out his shades he wore them and dragging his hand carry he walked toward his car where driver was waiting for him, his guard trailing right behind him. Giving the guard his luggage he opened the door of the black Rover he got inside and sighed resting his head on the headrest. In the solace of his car even in the presence of two strangers he went through all what happened in last two days, turning his head he looked out of the tinted window, the roads buzzing with energy, every single soul tied up with the war in their mind, Mishaal had agreed to keep everything at peace but the question was for how long?

After an hour of drive he finally reached his home, getting out of the car he ordered one of the servants to get his luggage, he knew his mother would be running her shopping errands or would be busy with her club parties or some NGOs she might have linked recently, his father would be at office leaving Janaan who was never a problem. Getting inside through the long doors he ordered one of the maids to get him something to eat and with long strides he got into his room.

The bang on the door was the next thing which woke him up, after having lunch and a much needed shower Emaad went to bed ignoring all the matters which needed his attention and now someone was wildly banging his door, ready to take it off from it's hinges. Screaming at the intruder he got out of bed and rubbing his eyes he looked at the wall clock which told him he had a good few hours of sleep but still ready to kill the person outside his room he unlocked the doors.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled as his eyes fell on Janaan who was standing outside with a red face, puffy eyes and her fists clenched.

"Don't you dare yell at me!" She replied in an equally raised voice and before she could say anything their mother rushed inside the room locking it behind her, by this time Emaad was confused at their troubled actions.

"What is going on?" He asked in a deathly calm voice, a part of him knew where this was leading.

"You tell me what is going on?" His sister took a step forward meeting his eyes but he looked away. "So it's true." Her voice a mere whisper completely defeated.

"Emaad, she is like a sister to me." She pleaded grabbing his shirt but he coldly removed her hands away. "How can you do this?" She was yelling again.

"Stay out of my matter!" His voice sent chills down her spine.

"You are no better than him! You are becoming a monster. A fucking monster like him! He ruined all our lives and you are going to ruin some more! How can you do this Emaad?" Her pleas went nowhere.

"Because this is what life is," He replied with steely eyes, "She is the reason I will get what I need so you better stay out of this--"

"Or what huh? I am not going to let you play with an inn--" she was cut short by his humorless laughter.

"Little sister that's where you are wrong, you all didn't let me have the life I wanted, didn't let me have the girl I wanted so now I am going with the person you all chose for me but the way I keep her is solely on me and if you tried anything, anything at all!" He took a stop forward harshly grabbing her arm, "that boy toy of yours will be paying the consequences."

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