Chapter 13

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 "East, west, south, or north makes little difference. No matter what your destination, just be sure to make every journey a journey within. If you travel within, you'll travel the whole wide world and beyond. "

Rule 9, The Forty Rules Of Love.

-Elif Shafak

A cold gush of wind welcomed them as they stepped out of arrival lounge of Allama Iqbal airport, though days were getting colder in Karachi but Lahore has it more. Zipping up her leather jacket Daniyah brought both her hands near her mouth and rubbed them, she could feel the tip of her nose getting cold as her eyes roamed around. She had come to Lahore a lot of time and even recently to meet few designers because of her wedding dresses but standing at the airport past midnight when even though the place was bustling with energy there was a distinctive kind of silence, maybe it was the late hours of the colder nights but Daniyah could feel it seeping in her bones.

Shrugging her thoughts away she turned to Emaad as he called her and followed him towards a silver Acura waiting for them. Slipping in the car beside him she turned to look at Emaad who had his head resting on the headrest with his eyes closed, Daniyah found herself raising her hand and tracing his temple with the pad of her forefinger, Emaad's eyes flickered as he whispered his approval, smiling at him she scooted near him and ran her fingers through his hair and then started massaging his head.

"Yeah," he let out a moan and she softly chuckled, "that feels good."

"Um hm." She whispered and he nodded.

Resting her own head she had her gaze on his face as she kept tracing her fingers through his hair and in a matter of seconds she heard him snore and closed her own eyes.

The both came out of their doze as the car stopped, Daniyah's eye fluttered open and she blinked them for couple of seconds as she straightened her back.

"Welcome home," she heard him whisper as her eyes bemusedly gathered her surrounding, her lips curved into a smile and then she was led out, stepping her feet down she stood up, pushing her hair behind her ear she let her eyes roam across a beautiful garden which was illuminated by modern and fancy bollard lights, the right corner of the garden was carved into a water fall and the LED lights illuminating across it was enhancing its beauty, in the center there was a beautiful set of rattan sofas and table accompanied by an umbrella.

"This is going to be my favorite place," she bit her lips as she turned to Emaad with a newfound energy in herself.

"I have already gathered the fact." He smiled. "Come on let me show you the rest of the house."

"Lead the way." She smiled as he stepped forward. Following him she observed the porch where two other cars parked along with the one they came in.

Turning the key he opened the large wooden doors and moved aside to let her enter, Daniyah stepped inside in an already lit foyer, in front of her was a mirror framed and beneath it was a small table decorated with small decoration pieces. Turning to her left she followed the entrance, descending two steps stairs in front of her was a magnificent living room and on her right was a French door which was opening to the drawing room. There was a large U shaped kitchen and dining table. The living room had sliding doors and was opening towards indoor pool. In front of her was long spiral stair case and as Daniyah craned her neck up she saw a glorious crystal chandelier hanging from the roof. She was in awe at the beautiful interior designing of the huge place she would be calling home.


"It's everything I dreamed of," she whispered as her eyes filled with tears.

"Daniyah," Emaad's gentle voice reached her ears as he wrapped his arms around her slender waist. "We are home and together. There is nothing to cry about."

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