8 | threat

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Sofia continued to stare at the message

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Sofia continued to stare at the message. She had no idea what to make of it. As much as she didn't want to admit it, Sofia was terrified. For her daughter, her mate and her family. She had no idea what to do or how to tell everyone what was going on but that didn't stop them all from being curious. Carlisle had read the text and was fuming.

"Who is S?"

Sofia looks at her mate, sighing, "It's best if you all sit down. I guess Maya and I have some explaining to do." They all moved towards the living room, ready to listen to the two women and understand what was going on.

"I guess I should start from the beginning. Before I was changed, I met a guy. His name was Samuel. He was sweet, nice, funny and my family loved him. My family comes from a long line of Banshees and have always been wary of outsiders, I guess that's why I'm so protective of Maya. I loved him and I trusted him. We were betrothed but before we got married I found my entire family slaughtered and then he turned me. I am still part Banshee which in result has kept me half human but I am half vampire. I hated him for what he did but I couldn't bring myself to kill him. I travelled the world for a long time before I came across Maya's coven. Most of the coven had been slaughtered and her parents made me promise to take care of her. He is a dangerous man that will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He has spent years finding me and I have been able to evade him with the help of a few witch friends. This is the longest I have been in one place and that is purely for the sake of Maya. I didn't want her to live with my burden so we stayed. He will stop at nothing to get me, meaning you are all in his way. I don't want him to hurt any of you but he will end you to get what he wants. I'm terrified, I know what he is capable of."

"So because of you, everyone is in danger?" Edward speaks up from the bottom of the stairs.

Carlisle glares at his son, "You will not blame them for this. We all have a past that we are not proud of. They are both family and we will protect them at all costs."

Rosalie looks at the young witch, "I agree. They are both family. We protect those dearest to us and we will make sure no harm comes to either of them."

Jasper nods in agreement with his sister, "Rosalie is right. This man is dangerous and will stop at nothing to come after them, we either kill him or he hurts them both, which we will not allow at any circumstance."

"I will try and look into both their futures and see if I can find anything. It would help if Sofia asks some of her witch friends if they have heard anything," Alice states.

Sofia shakes her head in refusal, "I can't ask any of you to do this for me or Maya. I don't want any of you to get hurt. You're my family." She didn't want any of the family members risking their lives for her. She loved them all dearly and couldn't live with herself if anything happened to any of them.

Emmett grins, "You're family. We protect those close to us. Besides I haven't had the chance to kill another vampire in a while, I'm looking forward to it."

Carlisle rolls his eyes at his sons childishness, "We prefer not having to kill another creature but we will if he lays a hand on you and Maya. You are both apart of this family and we will protect you both."

Sofia looks at her mate, knowing he was not going to change his mind as she would do the same for him, "Okay. I will speak to some of my friends and see what they have heard. I will also ask if someone can take over training with Maya as she is going to needed it in case anything happens to any of us."

Maya looks at her mum, "I don't mind. We are going to need all the help we can get if he really is back for you. I'll even grab the grimoire that grandma gave to me. He will not hurt you, I won't let him."

Sofia nods in agreement, "I hope so."

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