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Sofia loved volunteering at the hospital whenever she could

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Sofia loved volunteering at the hospital whenever she could. She loved being able to help people and no matter what, did what she could to make others feel as comfortable as possible. She spent as much time as she could with all patients, alternating between the different wards but the paediatric ward had always been her favourite and always would be. Her students had spent most of the day talking about the new family that had moved here and their adoptive father who was a doctor at the hospital. She hoped she would get along with him as she did all the other doctors at the hospital as she spent her free time at the hospital anyways.

"Thank you for joining us once again, Sofia," said Hannah, one of the nurses Sofia had come to appreciate. Hannah, like herself, loved her patients and did whatever she could to help them. Hannah and Sofia had become very close friends over the years. She knew what she was and was there for her despite it.

Sofia smiled, "You know I love helping out whenever I can. Especially the children, there is a reason why I took up teaching." Sofia loved children and that was the reason why she had decided to adopt her daughter, Maya. Her daughter had been the light of her life and nothing was going to change that. Her students loved her and she loved them just as much.

"How's Maya, by the way. I haven't seen her in a while," questioned Hannah. Everyone loved the relationship Sofia had with her daughter Maya. Maya looked up to her mother and went everywhere her mother went. She was smart, beautiful and athletic just like her mother and she was proud of that.

"She's fine. She's visiting her grandparents for the weekend. School has been a little hard on her and she just wanted to get away for a few days. I already miss her, even though she's only been gone a few hours." Maya had decided she wanted a change of scenery and needed to get away from the city. Sofia loved her daughter but it was always hard to let her go anywhere. She had dropped Maya off at the train station before meeting Hannah at the hospital.

Hannah giggled, "You'll see her soon. No need to worry, she's strong just like her mother. Just let her be a kid. She's responsible enough to not do anything stupid."

Sofia sighed, "I guess you're right."

Sofia spent the rest of the evening attending to patients, talking to them and helping cheer the children up. She loved spending time in the children's ward, where she fell in love with her little girl. Children always seemed to bring out her protective side and she would do anything to protect the innocent.

Sofia snapped out of her trance when she heard a squeal. She turned her head to find Hannah skipping towards her with a grin on her face, "What's got you so happy?"

Hannah giggled, "You need to see the new doctor. He's so good looking. I mean seriously, it should be impossible for someone to be so good looking. He's so dreamy, all the nurses are all over him already."

"Seems like you are too," Sofia said, smirking at her best friend. Hannah always fell too easily over any guy, and Sofia loved the amusement she got from watching her best friend fawn over a guy.

Hannah pouted slightly, "Not true. Besides, I believe he's more your type than anything."

Before Sofia could reply, her phone rang. Without checking the caller ID she pressed the phone to her ear, "Hey, mum."

"Hey, sweetie. Did you arrive safely?"

Maya chuckled, "Mum, there's nothing to worry about. I'm fine. I'm currently sat in the car with granddad. I'm sorry I decided to leave so abruptly. I love you." Maya adored her mother more than anything but she was a kid and she hated all the pressures put on her. One of the things Maya loved more than anything was drawing, she hoped a change of scenery would give her the inspiration she needed.

"Maya, I love you too. I know why you needed to leave and I don't blame you. We all just need some space sometimes. Just promise me to take care of yourself. I'll see you soon." Sofia knew why Maya wanted to leave and she was never one to force her into doing something she didn't want to do.

"Thank you, mum. I promise I'll take care of myself." After hanging up, Sofia smiled. Knowing that Maya was safe was all she needed to know.

Sofia decided to go find Hannah to tell her she was leaving for the evening when she bumped into someone

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Sofia decided to go find Hannah to tell her she was leaving for the evening when she bumped into someone. She gasped at the electric sensation from where the stranger touched her. She looked up at the handsome stranger and froze. When she looked into his eyes, she saw her whole future with him flash before her eyes.

"Mate," she whispered.

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