11 | missing

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When Sofia had finally come to, she realised she was chained to a bed

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When Sofia had finally come to, she realised she was chained to a bed. He must have hit over the head at her house before grabbing her and taking her to an unknown location. She had no idea where she was. The windows were barred up, the room looked small with a bed in the centre and nothing else. She was terrified that she had no idea where she was but she knew Carlisle could feel everything she felt. She wanted her mate.

"I see you're awake, darling. I'd hate to have you unconscious when I marked you. You will be bare my mark, not his. I will get rid of it. Did you really think that I wouldn't find you again? You've been running from me long enough. I will finally be making you mine," Samuel grins.

Sofia knew he was insane but she refused to let him mark. Carlisle had recently marked, hence why she knew he could feel everything she did. A mating mark was sacred in the vampire community and she refused to have anyone else mark her. Carlisle was her soulmate and no one could change that.

Sofia scoffs, "You really thing I'm going to let you? I've found my mate and nothing you do is going to change that. He is my other half and I bare his mark. I'd rather die than have you mark me. You disgust me. I've run from you long enough to know that you deserve nothing more than to rot in hell."

Samuel glared at the women, "Trust me, you will be mine. I have searched for you long enough. How about I go and pay your daughter a visit? Maybe then you'll be less inclined to refuse me."

"You touch me daughter, I will kill you," Sofia yells at him. Maya was her pride and joy, she wasn't going to stand by and let his psycho touch her.

"We'll see about that." He walked out the room, leaving Sofia screaming at him.

Meanwhile, Carlisle and his family had realised that Sofia had gone missing

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Meanwhile, Carlisle and his family had realised that Sofia had gone missing. He could feel the distress and anger she felt and he couldn't help but feel hopeless. Alice and Maya had done everything they could to see her but something was blocking their visions. Their best guess was that someone was using a cloaking spell. Maya was trying to hone in on her location.

"Where is she?" Carlisle yells. Everyone in the family could feel his distress and knew how hard he was taking it. She was his mate and he couldn't protect her. Everyone was doing everything they could to find her but he was getting restless without Sofia by his side. He just hoped they would find her in time.

STARLIGHT | CARLISLE CULLENDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora