sorry for not updating :((

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hello my wonderful readers, i just wanted to keep you guys in the loop. i have been active on wattpad lately and i wanted to apologize for sort of abandoning this fan fic, i've been working really hard on my brendon urie one that i've started writing and publishing and i even came up with the idea for a dallon weekes one that i'll probably start working on at some point soon. 

i will finish this story, do not lose hope. my hands are really tied behind my back right now because i've been under the stress of moving, and it's the end of the semester and everyone at school basically hates me right now and there's just been a lot going on. no promises for when exactly i'll be finishing this, but there's still a few chapters and an epilogue that i'll be writing. in the mean time, i have been working on my brendon urie one, it's called "friends," and if you're interested you should totally go check that one out too :-) if you want a finished one, i have written and completed an ashton fan fic that's called "runaway" if you want to go read that one too!

you've all been so good to me and i am so thankful for all of your reads and comments and votes. if you leave your twitters and instagrams on this comment i'll go follow you all to thank you for all the reads :-) you guys are the only ones in my life who haven't failed me lately and i am so grateful for that lmaO

-chey x

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