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Long hours of planning and hard work finally paid off when El and I were able to throw our graduation party. El helped me pick out a new floral dress that complimented my curves nicely that, aside from my nervousness about him showing up, I knew would drive Luke crazy. 

El and I greeted our guests as they entered the front door of my house, my parents handing out snacks and drinks as everyone walked about and chatted with each other in the living room. My anxiety about Luke grew every second I heard the doorbell ring and I was shaking the hand of someone that wasn't him. 

"Hey Daisy." Alex smiled at me as he walked in the door, hugging me briefly and also giving El a quick hug, who still despised him but acted the opposite for the sake of our friendship. 

"How's the party going?" he asked me, distracting me from the other guest that was entering the door. 

"Um, I'm not sure," I laughed nervously. "I've only been greeting guests at the door." I leaned in so only he could hear me. "If I'm being honest, I don't even know half of these people." 

He laughed, reaching out and putting his hand on my shoulder. "I think that's how it always goes with parties like this. Hey, you've been greeting people for a while. Don't you think the most important people ought to have shown up by now?" He put his arm on my shoulder and steered me away from the front door.

I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying that the single most important person hadn't actually showed up yet at all, but instead stumbled, "um, yeah I suppose so." 

Alex walked me towards the kitchen, where my parents were telling my grandparents just how proud they were of all the hard work I'd done. 

I looked around and noticed that my old Professor Henderson had managed to show up, and was talking with Eleanor. I smiled and approached them, excusing myself from Alex and my parents.

"Professor Henderson!" I smiled, and he looked back at me, smiling back and opening his arms in a hug. 

"Daisy, Eleanor has just shared with me the wonderful news! You've been accepted!" 

"Yes!" I smiled, my nervousness about Luke suddenly vanishing being able to speak with Henderson again. "I'm so excited to leave this autumn." 

"I always knew you'd be able to do it," he smiled. "Eleanor tells me you gave the new English professor a lot of attitude at first but eventually grew quite close with him." 

"She's right," I blushed. He had no idea just how close.

"He's a very nice man," he said. "I just met him a little bit ago."

"You did?" I asked. "He's here?"

He nodded. "In fact, he's right over there speaking with Professor Irwin."

I turned and saw that he was there just as Henderson said. 

"Please excuse me, I'd like to go greet them," I said. 

"Of course," he smiled. 

I walked over to Irwin and Luke, smiling at him when he looked over and noticed me. His eyes moved down my body, clearly looking at me in the new dress. 

"Hello, Professor Irwin, Hemmings," I smiled at the two of them. 

"Daisy! Congratulations on getting accepted to BPP," Irwin smiled back at me, giving me a comfortable side hug. 

"Thank you, it means a lot," I brushed a stray hair out of my eyes. 

"Yes, congratulations, again," Luke said, reaching out and patting my shoulder. I thanked him and stood in the awkward situation, feeling uncomfortable like I always did when I was with Luke around other teachers. Thank god this was going to be done and over with after tonight. 

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