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Saturday afternoon I went with Blair to get some ice cream after we ate lunch in the dining hall since it was free there and we didn't want to spend extra money. During our walk there, she asked me about Alex but I was disappointed to tell her that nothing was new; our relationship seemed to be at a standstill.

"It's such a shame," she said. "You'd think that such a good looking and outgoing guy would be fun and exciting." 

"He usually is," I sighed. "I don't know, he's probably just under a lot of stress from football practice and all the classes and homework he has. He doesn't get a whole lot of free time, but we're trying to make it work as best as we can."

"But what about in bed?" she asked. "I've never slept with a guy, it fascinates me how they must be in bed."

I blushed. "I don't know, I told you guys already we haven't done anything in over a month because he's too paranoid about getting caught at school."

"Interesting." We moved forward in our line to get ice cream. "Is it weird to go from being able to do it almost anytime you wanted over the summer to just nothing at all now?"

"A little." I laughed at the awkwardness of this conversation, and I knew my face was as red as a tomato.

"Sorry, I'll stop asking so many questions," she laughed too, and turned to the cashier and ordered her ice cream. 

Blair and I sat down with our ice cream cones, eating them and chatting away about our lives at school. The two of us didn't have many classes together, so we mostly caught up on that.

"What about the girl from your World History class?" I asked. 

"Oh, Karen?" she asked. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Still in the friendzone."

"Why haven't you talked to her?" I asked. "Why don't you flat out tell her that you're into her?"

"Speak of the devil and he shall arrive," Blair looked at the door with wide eyes, shoving her head down and licking her ice cream cone as a group of three girls walked by.

"Which one is she?" I asked, leaning over to get a better view of them.

"Don't be so obvious!" Blair hissed, swatting my hand and I looked at her, laughing a little.

"Who is she?" 

"She's the one with the blonde hair. Blue jumper." I turned and looked, and saw a thin girl with a blue jumper, dark jeans and long, straight blonde hair going down her back.

"Go talk to her!" I gave Blair a little shove towards the walkway.

"Are you mad?!" she turned to look at Karen, then back at me. "She's probably as straight as her hair!"

"But if she's not, you're really missing out," I said, leaning over to check out the girl's ass. "I'm straight and even I would want some of that."

"You have your own!" Blair whined, laying her forehead against the table.

"You need to go talk to her or you'll miss your chance," I said. "She walked in here while we were here. It must be fate."

"She'll probably think I'm such a loser!" she said, sitting back up and looking at me, then turning back to Karen, who was walking with her other two friends with their ice cream to sit at a table. 

"No she won't! Get your cute little patoot over there and talk to her right now!" I ordered, and Blair finally stood and took a deep breath.

She walked hesitantly in the direction of the girls' table and looked back at me, and I nodded encouragingly, giving 2 thumbs up for emphasis. She turned back around and walked up to the table with confidence.

I saw Karen smile up at her, the other two friends leaning over and giggling with each other. Karen nodded up at Blair, reaching into her purse and grabbing a pen, talking to her while she wrote something down on a napkin sitting on the table.

Karen waved goodbye to Blair, and Blair walked back over, sitting down with me and smiling big.

"Well?!" I prompted.

"I got her number!" she practically squealed.

"That's how it's done!" I high-fived her across the table.


The entire walk back to the dorms, Blair wouldn't shut up about Karen and how happy and excited she was to have gotten her number. She walked into our dorms, gushing to Eleanor and Eileen about what happened, both of them of course being excited for her.

I sat on my bed, watching the excitement buzzing through the room with a smile on my face when I heard my phone ringing, and I almost rolled my eyes when I looked at the caller ID.

"Hey Alex," I said into the phone.

"Hey Daisy," he said. "I was just wanting to know if you wanted to go do something before dinner."

"No," I said. "I mean, you should spend some time with your friends. We went out last night anyways."

"Are you sure?" he asked. "I felt kinda bad about--"

"Don't worry about it," I assured him. "Just go have some fun with the boys and I'll see you at dinner."

"Well okay," he said hesitantly. "I'll see you at dinner."

I hung up and took my books down to the library to work on the homework I didn't do Friday night since I was out with Alex. I got started right away, working away and then reading when I finished to pass the time. 

I practically jumped when I noticed the time and scrambled to get my books together before I missed dinner. I made my way down to the dining hall just in time to be served, sitting with the girls.

"I heard that there's going to be this autumn dance they're holding," Eleanor said. 

"Where did you hear that from?" Eileen asked.

"Everyone is talking about it!" she said. "I wonder who everyone is going to ask."

"Well I hope I get asked by the boy in my science class," Eileen said, smirking.

"You have to ask Karen!" I said to Blair, who blushed at the mention of her name.

"Maybe... I don't know."

"She gave you her number! She has at least a little interest in you," I said.

"Well I personally hope I get asked by Professor Hemmings," Eleanor said, her voice hushed as she giggled after saying it.

"Oh stop it," Eileen giggled too, swatting her arm. I rolled my eyes at my goofy best friend.

"We all know Alex is going to ask Daisy, so that's not really a question," Eileen said, smiling at me and I smiled a little back.

"Hopefully he doesn't get sick of me and break up with me by then," I said back playfully, us girls laughing and enjoying our easygoing dinner.


A/N: hello this update sucked but I haven't updated this in nearly a month yikes

fun stuff is on the way y'all

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