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A/N: hope everyone is having a great Friday!

Mondays have never been my thing, just like most people. And even with all the excitement from the Autumn Dance buzzing through the air, nothing could get me out of my bad Monday morning mood, even by the afternoon and the final class of the day, where my bad Monday morning mood had turned into an out of patience rampage that Professor Hemmings was my main target for.

He stood in front of the class teaching, and I was so fucking annoyed by him. His stupid blue eyes and those stupid glasses he wears, and his stupid arms and the way he rolled up his stupid sleeves and the way his stupid shirt fit tightly against his stupid chest. I hate him. I hate everything he does.

"What about you, Daisy?" he suddenly called on me, pulling out of my annoyed trance with picking at every single little thing he did wrong, ever.

"What about me?" I asked, almost rolling my eyes.

"What was your opinion on Macbeth, now that we have finished the entire play and have taken a test?" he asked, clearly just trying to pick on me because I wasn't paying attention.

"Macbeth, what a wonderful tale of a man with a lot of ambition and a little shitty luck," I rolled my eyes. "He was stupid for thinking he could get away with any kind of murder in the first place, and it got to his head. And then he went crazy from guilt. He should have just let the fate seek itself out, but no, the dumbass had to go and try to force things to happen by--"

"Okay, that is enough," Professor Hemmings said, cutting me off.

"But I wasn't finished," I said, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

"Your use of language was strong enough, now if you talk back to me once more you will have detention."

"Don't ask for my opinion if you can't handle it," I mumbled.

"30 minutes after class, Williams."

I rolled my eyes and picked up my pen, scribbling in the margins. Eleanor giggled next to me, obviously amused by my quick wit but Alex on the other side of me looked rather unhappy.

The class dragged on and on, and I kept my mouth shut for the remainder of it simply because I didn't want to spend Monday evening with this asshole and then on top of that spending longer than necessary in the library doing homework.

When the bell rang for class to end, Alex quickly got up and left without looking at me. I frowned, wondering why he'd left so quickly and didn't say goodbye or anything like he normally does.

"Work on your homework, Miss Williams," Professor Hemmings said once the class was empty, erasing the lecture from the board like he normally does. "And sit in the front row, please."

I rolled my eyes even though his back was turned to me and silently moved my belongings to the front row of the classroom, plopping down and staring at my book and notes in front of me.

I sighed, trying to focus on what I was reading but distracted by the thought of Alex being upset with me. I didn't know what I did. Was it because I got detention? Did he think I was too outspoken with my opinion? He told me he loved my confidence in calling people out and putting things blunt, so why would he leave like that without any explanation?

"Daisy, why aren't you doing your homework like I asked you to?" Professor Hemmings interrupted my thoughts, standing in front of me and seeming to tower over me.

"I am doing my homework, Professor Hemmings," I said, gritting my teeth.

"Then why are you still on the first page of the reading, there is nothing written on your paper and you have been sitting there supposedly doing your homework for 10 minutes already?" He crossed his arms in front of me.

Room 206 - Luke HemmingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang