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A/N: okay so before you read this chapter I want to just warn you that it might be a little boring because it's an explanatory chapter, mostly to reveal things about Daisy that you might not have been aware of before, and the next chapter after this will be similar but with Hemmings also!


That Wednesday during lunch, Eleanor interrogated me about what was going on between Hemmings and I, so I explained his idea about staying and getting to know each other instead of having sex.

"That's exciting, Daisy!" She said, grabbing my arm. "This means he at least wants to make it work!"

"Yeah I guess, but I don't know." I sighed. "What if this makes him realize he doesn't want me?"

"Whatever happens will happen," she said. "You have to be more positive though."

Thursday afternoon was when we first started really talking about each other, but it was mostly me who did the talking. I don't know what I was expecting, but it seemed like he just wanted to listen.

"Why don't you start by just telling me about your past?" He asked once I'd sat down sufficiently uncomfortable for about 10 minutes already.

"What about my past?" I asked.

"I don't know, everything," he shrugged. "I'm trying to get to know you."

I nodded. "Okay. Well, I was born and raised in London, and I went to a private school up until Year 7, when I came here and I've been coming here ever since. You know Eleanor is my best friend, we've known each other since primary school and we both came here when we were old enough and requested to be roomed together, and we were also put into a room with Eileen and Blair, my other friends. I didn't do much exciting as a child, I had a childhood just like anyone else, I guess."

"What do you want to do after you graduate?" He asked.

"I plan on graduating and going to uni, like I've already told you. I think I want to major in journalism but I don't know exactly yet. I hope someday I can become a journalist and maybe even publish a book of my own but who knows if I'll get that far."

"I know you will," he said. "You're very smart and ambitious and I know you can do anything you apply yourself to."

"Thanks." I smiled, feeling a blush creeping into my cheeks. "Although I don't think I'd do too well in maths."

"I think you could do well even in maths if you wanted."

"Well I certainly don't want to," I rolled my eyes. "Gross."

I told Hemmings a little more, like where I wanted to travel someday and the type of house I want to live in when I settle in somewhere.

"What about your past relationships?" He asked. "Tell me about those."

"Oh." I frowned thinking about Alex and how much of an asshole he really was. Hemmings placed his hand on my knee.

"Well, my first relationship lasted about 10 months and it was with this guy at the beginning of year 10," I said. "It was a little serious I guess, but it just didn't work out. I guess we just got bored of each other. I did lose my virginity to him though, so he was a little significant to me in that way. And then I dated Alex for almost 10 months too. I met him 4th quarter when we were in the same history class together year 11 and we got close pretty quickly. He was sweet at first and my friends loved him and they thought he was perfect for me."


"Everything was perfect over the summer," I explained. "We just went for hikes all the time and he'd sneak into my room after my parents went to bed and I mean, sometimes we'd have sex, sometimes we'd just lay together and talk and enjoy each others' company. I think the reason it all worked over the summer was because neither of us were stressed and whenever we'd get into a fight we'd just fuck and then we'd get over it. We never really talked things out, so when school started and we didn't have that option anymore, it was like we didn't know how to actually work things out like a real couple."

"And here I thought the main problem was that he cheated on you," he said.

"No," I sighed. "I mean, that fucking sucked because it was right once I'd restored my faith in our relationship that we could make it work, and then some skank comes and tells me that they made out during a week that we weren't talking. Okay, maybe he didn't cheat on me after that but what if he did? And I hadn't done anything wrong."

"You're right," he said. "Cheating on someone is never okay under any circumstances."

"And you know how it all ended," I said. "After that I felt like I just wasn't good enough for anyone anymore. I didn't even want to be in a relationship until--anyways."

"Daisy, you are so much more than that," he said, reaching and taking my hands. "You are intelligent, witty, and worth so much more than some petty high school relationship with some immature boy."

I didn't reply. I stared down at my hands in my lap and wished he would say something about us. Granted, I didn't know hardly anything about him but I wanted to be with him more than anyone else. And if I was being honest, thinking about Alex was hurting me too. I know he was the past and it didn't matter anymore but it still hurt.

I felt a warm hand on my cheek and I looked up as Hemmings leaned forward and kissed my lips. I let him kiss me for a few seconds before I pulled away, he didn't look ready for me to be done but I wanted to be by myself.

"I have homework I need to do," I said. It wasn't a lie.

He hesitantly pulled away and I stood, grabbing my bag and heading to the library.


A/N: I know I already have one at the beginning but I've been lowkey unhappy with the cover of this story and if anyone wants to make a new one, please tweet me because I honestly suck ass at making covers. My Twitter is @ cheytheredhead

Thanks for being so patient for this update, I'll try and post another tonight to try and make up for all the waiting! x

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