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I walked to English with Eleanor Monday morning at the start of our last quarter feeling good for once. I had a feeling things were finally coming together for once, and my optimism was finally taking the lead.

I sat down, smiling at Luke when I sat in my usual spot, Eleanor right next to me. He looked at me, a small smile on his face before he turned away to greet another student and I turned to Eleanor.

"That was cute," she nudged me.

"So is he," I winked and she laughed.

"Okay that was gay."

The bell rang for us to be in our seats, and Luke started class immediately like he always does.

"You're late," he called out a student that came running into the room, sliding into the nearest empty desk.

"I'm sorry, professor, I--"

"No excuses," he cut him off. "If you're late to my class again, I won't hesitate to give you detention."

"Yes sir."

I twirled a strand of my hair around my finger, waiting for the class to begin and the actual challenge for once this year.

"This English class isn't going to be like the one you took all year," he explained. "It will be much more difficult, require much more time, effort and mental focus."

"It's about time," I mumbled.

Luke glanced at me, raised his eyebrow and continued speaking to the class. Clearly he didn't get my hint. I guess I'll have to be a little more sassy.

"Your first assignment tonight will be to write a summary on the most difficult novel or play you've been able to read and understand completely," he said.

"What if everything is so easy for me to read that I can't figure out what the most difficult is because it's all the same to me?" I asked without raising my hand.

Luke turned to me. "Then pick one that you know is higher level."

"But how am I supposed to know what classifies as 'higher level'?"

"You are a smart girl, Miss Williams. I'm sure you can figure it out. If you speak without raising your hand one more time then you'll land yourself a seat in detention."

"I'm feeling like pushing my luck today," I said, leaning forward and placing my head in my hands, smirking at him. His cheeks turned pink as he finally seemed to realize what I was doing.

"Great, then you've earned yourself a VIP pass to 30 minutes in here after class," he turned around so no one could see him smirking, but I knew it was there.

I sat back in my seat pretending to pout. The entire class seemed shocked at my attitude and Eleanor just looked over at me smirking and giving me a wink. She knew what was coming.

I remained in my seat as the classroom emptied after the bell rang. I tapped my pencil against my notebook, Luke watching everyone leave. As the door shut after the last person left, Luke walked over to lock it, turning around and approaching my desk. He crossed his arms, standing over me. I smiled back up at him innocently.

"It seems that you've gotten a little cocky lately," he said. "I think someone needs to be punished to see just where they stand. I am your professor you know."

"I am well aware," I nodded. "However, I think you're only butt hurt because I whooped your ass at chess yesterday."

He leaned down in front of my face, my heart rate picking up like it always does when I'm around him. "How would you like it if I whooped your ass over my desk? Or my knee?"

"You know how I like it." I leaned forward and kissed him with force, and he kissed back for a few moments before he pulled back and I stood from my desk and grabbed him to kiss him again, missing the feeling of his lips against mine and his hands on my skin. I pulled him closer and closer to me, the familiar fire in my chest igniting like every time I'd kiss him like this.

His hands wandered down my body, backing me into his desk as he kissed me feverishly, sitting on top of his desk. His lips moved from mine to my neck, biting down the way he knows drives me crazy. A small moan escaped my lips, his large hands spreading my legs apart as I reached to undo his belt buckle. We hadn't done anything like this with each other in so long that neither of us wanted to even mess around and tease. There was something different this time about the way he seemed hungry for my touch and my body, the way it seemed like he couldn't get enough of me and I knew I couldn't get enough of him. I pulled him closer to me, tangling my fingers through his hair and he let out a short groan when I tugged on it, his deep voice resonating against my skin.

His hands moved up my thighs, pushing my skirt up and his fingers hooking around my panties. There was definitely something different this time, knowing who he is and about his past and what made him the way he is now. And I wouldn't have it any other way.


"Hello girls," I smiled at them as I opened the door to our dorm, the 3 of them doing their homework on their beds quietly, and I earned 3 smiling faces in return.

"Someone's in a good mood," Eileen noted. Eleanor looked at me suggestively, as if to say "I know why" and I felt my cheeks flush but brushed it off.

"I'm just having a good day," I said, sitting on my own bed and pulling out my homework.

"Didn't you have detention?" Blair asked.

"Yep," I nodded. "I got some of my homework done during it."

Eleanor rolled her eyes from where she was sitting and I almost laughed.

"I guess that could be a good thing," she shrugged.

As I worked on my homework, my mind drifted to Luke like it always does. I loved having this, both aspects of a relationship with him, sexual and romantic, and it seemed to be working out wonderfully. I held my hopes that maybe he would be ready to make things official soon, but at the same time a worry set in my mind that he didn't see it that way. I tried to tell myself that he wouldn't keep pursuing me if he didn't feel that way, but a small voice kept telling me I'm just a temporary fling to him.

As much as I tried not to worry, I couldn't stop myself from worrying. I wanted to have a future with him and I could only hope that he wanted the same.


A/N: hello yes I'm still alive

I'm terribly sorry about all the irregular updates lately. School starts soon for me and I want to scream because of it rip me (but luckily I'm a senior now so one more year and then I'm finally done bless)


Room 206 - Luke HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora