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Although the pain from Alex was initially close to unbearable, it got more and more tolerable as the weeks passed by, much like the pain in my hand from punching the wall. Before long, I was doing much better and I wasn't even thinking about Alex, trying to focus more on school than some stupid boy that was only causing me more stress. If I wanted to get into uni, I'd have to be way more focused and get my stupid grade up in English.

As for Professor Hemmings and I, nothing changed at all after the moment we had when I broke down during the tutoring session. It was as if both of us had completely forgotten that it'd happened, which I wasn't sure how I felt about. I should have been happy because it was pathetic as fuck but I was a little butt hurt that he literally just blew that off like it was nothing. Those were my feelings and it was as if he didn't even care. Who am I kidding? He didn't care, because I hate him and he hates me.

"Miss Williams, would you care to answer?" he asked as I sat and stared at the notes on my paper. Why did he always pick on me when I wasn't paying attention?

"I'll pass," I mumbled.

"That is not an option," he said. "It was more a statement rather than a question. There was no choice, what is the answer?"

"I don't know, Rime of the Ancient Mariner?" I scoffed.

Professor Hemmings' jaw set and he crossed his arms. "Daisy, I know you know the answer to this. Would you please put some actual thought into your answer?"

I stared down at my paper and slumped against my arm, my hand tangling in my hair. "Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar in 1599," I mumbled.

"Thank you," he said. "If you keep playing games with me like that, you will land yourself a VIP pass to detention."

"Sounds like a pleasant place to me," this snobby, slightly skanky new girl sitting next to me mumbled. Hemmings didn't hear it, and I found myself thankful of that and also annoyed that she made that comment.

I felt a snide comment rising in my throat but I swallowed it back down, knowing that I had to watch myself with detention now more than ever. Since Alex and I were no longer together, he had all the dirt on me that he could spread rumors around that I was fucking Professor Hemmings and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Surprisingly, I managed to push my way through the rest of the class, grateful that it was Monday and I didn't have tutoring with Hemmings that day. Although my grade was improving and I was doing a lot better in the class, my parents were not going to be satisfied until my grade was back up to a solid A. Ever since Alex and I broke up, I found it easier to not stress out over anything and it was easier to focus on my work rather than worrying about some argument I'd been having with him.

I made my way to the library, working on the homework I'd been assigned that night. None of the girls were there with me, so I figured they didn't have much homework or were procrastinating again.

I made my way to the dining hall with the girls after I'd put my stuff away and found them in the dorm giggling about various things while Eileen finished up the last of her homework. Eileen and Eleanor were both really riled up and giggling about literally everything.

"And did you hear about Jason and Chelsea?" Eileen said, her voice a little hushed as we were walking down the hall. "The ones in Year 11? Professor Hood caught Chelsea giving Jason a blowjob in some closet in the hallways and they both got expelled!"

"I wonder how their parents reacted to that!" Eleanor said, giggling. "I bet they got in so much trouble!"

"My parents would ground me for eternity," Eileen said, nodding. Blair looked uncomfortable, and I sympathized for her.

As we sat down to eat, I saw Eileen and Eleanor checking out Professor Hemmings while he sat down, admiring his ass as he bent to sit into his chair. Eleanor giggled and turned to me.

"Daisy, I love having you in my English class with Hemmings because whenever you say something to piss him off, he does the jaw thing," she said. "And it's just so hot, and everyone enjoys it."

I scowled. For some reason I was extremely annoyed with all the girls in our class fawning over Hemmings and almost rolled my eyes at the thought of it.

"I would be honored to get detention from him," Eileen winked at us, and I scowled even more.

"He is just so attractive," Eleanor gushed. "I do not ever get tired of looking at him. I want him to bend me over his desk and spank me with a ruler."

"How are things with your love life, Blair?" I asked her, and she looked up from where she was slurping up her noodles as if I'd startled her with my question.

"Oh," her face turned bright red. "Um, nothing."

"Blair, I know when you are lying!" Eileen said, leaning forward and Blair looked extremely put on the spot. "Tell us everything now!"

"Okay, okay," she sighed, setting her fork down. "So you guys remember Karen right?"

"Duh," I said, encouraging her to continue.

"Well, we started talking again a couple weeks ago," she said. "And we're trying a relationship."

"What?!" Eileen squealed, grabbing her arm. "Why didn't you tell me?! That's so exciting!"

Blair shrugged. "I don't know, you guys are always talking about Hemmings and it's kind of annoying."

Tell me about it. Only I am allowed to piss him off and then be pleased with my work.

"Because no one else has any juicy relationship stories!" Eleanor said. "Oh my god, you have to keep us up to date on everything with her!"

"Okay, okay," she laughed. "Well, we're going out this Saturday. I mean there's nothing much to do as far as dates go in that little town but we're going to spend some time together."

"Ooh, get some," Eileen nudged her and she smiled, still blushing a little bit.

As I was walking back to our dorm, I walked behind the girls a little bit, my brain clouded with thoughts. I wasn't sure what I was thinking about, but it was taking a lot of my focus.

I went to bed without saying much, either, feeling a little distanced from the girls and their nearly endless chatter. My bed was welcoming I was glad to be in it.

Though I dreaded the tutoring session I had the next day, I was somehow looking forward to getting on Professor Hemmings' nerves.


A/N: Blair is a cute smol bean

sorry for the late update! I have been super busy but hope everyone is doing well x

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Room 206 - Luke HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora