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He didn't seem to get it at first, just sat there staring at me, a half smile still frozen on his face.

Making sure to keep a smirk on my face, I loosened my grip on the knife so that it would sway, drawing his attention towards it.

And it did, his face switched from cautious but peaceful to frozen disbelief.

It wasn't a bad look on him.

"What's wrong Anthony? You look like a puppy that's just been kicked."

At the sound of my voice he reanimated, his speed bringing him between me and whatever-the-fuck-her-name-was instantaneously, startling a gasp out of her.

"What? You think I want to hurt your pretty little thing?"

"No, but I think you will, if she gets in the way." His voice was trembling, and as strong as he was trying to make himself seem so was the rest of him. His eyes were locked on mine and pleading.

In short, he was gorgeous. Absolutely reeking of desperation, and now that I had reawakened myself to his scent it was near impossible to resist drowning in it.

"Well then Anthony, tell me, if I'm not here for her, what could this possibly be for?"

It took all of a second for me to have him across the room and pinned once again to the wall, except this time he was struggling, and so I put the knife to his gorgeous throat and brushed the skin.

Pushed the flat end of the blade where I had been earlier, earning a shiver for my efforts.

I don't know what I was doing, why I was toying with him instead of getting it over with, but I couldn't stop. Couldn't move from the place I had him pinned, as though I were trapped along with him as I unraveled.

Could he tell? Could he feel the way I trembled against him as I stood there, see the way the knife shook as it traced the skin of his neck?

"Me. It's-you're here for me. You're going to kill me aren't you?" His voice was cool and steady, even as his body continued to shake in tandem to my own.

I didn't answer, instead just pushed my body further into his own, causing the knife to knick the skin of his neck, drawing a pained whimper from those too soft lips.

"Nik if you're going to-just do it okay. Don't drag it out, I can't take that. Can't take this for longer than I have too." Begging, he was begging me.

"Why? Why should I hurry up just so that you don't have to feel bad? The point, Anthony, is to have you hate me as much as I hate you, and if I make this quick then that won't-"

"You don't hate me, Nik.

Do you really think I'm that stupid? I know you, I know who you are and I know why you think you have to do this.

You wanna turn into him, right? Feel like that's the only way you can - why does it have to be me?" Here he sobbed, deep and broken, "Why am I the one who has to pay because of your twisted little story?

I love you! And you love me back so why-

Why me?" A whimper now, as though that sob wasn't heart wrenching enough.

"Because you're right. I do love you, and so long as that's true I won't be who I need to be, I won't be able to kill him." I needed him to understand, he had to understand.

"Don't you get it yet? You're it Anthony! You're my only weakness, and if I'm going to kill him, if I'm going to be able to get through what comes after I do, then I cannot afford to be weak."

Always As You Say (Book One In The Waven Series)Where stories live. Discover now