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Back in America. Never thought that I'd be here again. And with Ronnie no less.

Okay maybe saying that I'm with her is a bit of an exaggeration. I'm following her, which is less creepy then it sounds.

How she managed to get so large a group to follow her is beyond me. Maybe they just want an elder so badly that they'll take whatever they can get, and while she may not be an elder she was turned by one and that's close enough.

She's still beautiful, if a horrible leader. Really she's going to get them all killed.

She's always been more of a follower, maybe this can finally change that.


Dear god does she really not do anything, ever? I mean you would think that as the leader of a rather large coven she would do something interesting every once in a while.

I'm not really sure why they thought I should do this, maybe they thought I would be least likely to get my head ripped off if I was caught.

There doesn't seem to be anything really going on, and I swear if he sent me here for any other reason I will kill him without even batting an eye.


I can't take this anymore, I have to go. This is honestly ridiculous, walking around practically stalking my ex-girlfriend.

I mean who the hell does that?

But just as I start to walk away I can feel her. Her presence just off to the left of me, close enough to touch.

"You're not leaving are you? You haven't even come to say hello yet." Her voice sounds so small now, like she's afraid that if she's too loud she'll scare me away.

"Ronnie. You knew I was here." Of course she knew, of course she felt me here. I feel her, her presence is astounding. It consumes me, until there is nothing left but her and her and me.

"I haven't seen you in awhile Nik, please come in. Please, just for a second?"


"It's good to see you well Nik, I was really worried for a bit there. But it's no matter now."

God she was beautiful, always has been, even if she wasn't always the best person. And she wasn't, not really. On that note,

"Ronnie why did you ask me in, and why did you wait until I was leaving to do it?" This tea tasted terrible but not in an unfamiliar way, in fact it was very familiar, I had just never tasted it in tea.

"I'm sorry Nik, you deserve better. But I know why you are here and I know who sent you. You can't hurt them, they're my family Nik. Just as much as you are."

I couldn't believe it, she had spiked my tea.


"I guess it's true what you said, monsters don't deserve to be trusted."

So yeah......BYE


Always As You Say (Book One In The Waven Series)Where stories live. Discover now