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A/N Short chapter, but it is in a different POV then the two I usually do, just so that I get a feel for other characters heads in case I want to in the future. Do to the fact that this is an experimentation chap, it's not entirely necessary (it's a filler), and if you'd prefer not to be in Veronica's headspace you can totally skip it.


My poor love. He looked so sick I almost had to look away, but I didn't, couldn't make him feel bad, so I made myself look at him.

If he had thought he could count on me before then Nik wouldn't be here now, I would be the one comforting my darling instead of him.

He would have wanted me to comfort him instead of Nik.

"Hello darling, we're here. Did you need anything or do you want me to go?" I said.

"We? Is Nik here?"

"Um.. yes, yes he's here. Did you want-"

"Nik? Where are you? Come here." He said.

"While I'd love to get closer to that awful smell you're putting off, I have just been driving for hours without stops and I'm afraid you're going to have to wait until I've gone to the washroom."

How dare he? Does he not realize this might be the last time they speak, and he'd rather take a piss.

He left before I could say anything, leaving me with my sickened sweetheart. I walked over to wipe the sweat from his face, noticing the anger I saw when Nik left start to go away as I did.

"Will you be alright love?"

He smiled up at me, "I will be fine beloved. I just need to see him, there's something we need to discuss if I'm to die." I flinched when he said die, because no, he wasn't allowed to say that word.

That would make it real.

"Was that you're way of asking me to leave?" I grabbed his hand, holding tight as he tried to pull it away until, thankfully, he held mine back just as tightly.

"You know I want you here, but, this is just for him, so please beloved, go for now."

Looking at him, I had to say yes, he was just so sick and pale, I didn't want to upset him.

"Okay, just, call me when you need me. If he gets out of hand, I can handle him." He took his hand away, glaring at me.

"What, do you think I can't?"

"No love, I just meant that, since you're sick, you could use some help."

This time he didn't say anything, but I knew he still wanted me to leave.

"Okay then, I'll see you soon love." I kissed him on the cheek as I left, and of course, that was when Nik came out of the washroom, but a look from The Waven let me know I should still leave.

Because he still didn't want me here for what was about to happen. Didn't want me to say goodbye.

Always As You Say (Book One In The Waven Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora