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"I don't really know what it is you want me to say? I'm sorry maybe? Well I'm not Nik, not now, not then, not ever."

"No, I guess you wouldn't be would you? You wouldn't care at all that you burnt my city to the ground."

"To be fair, you burnt mine first." The rage in the air was palpable. You could cut through it with a knife if you tried.

And suprisingly, most of it was coming from her. Which was absolutely unbelievable considering that we were currently standing in the remains of my city not hers.

Although to be honest, I didn't really leave to much to go back to.

She really has no idea how to go about razing a city. Fire is the quickest and easiest to clean. Gets rid of most evidence as well. And yet she decided that the best way to go about this was to just run in here, and tear the peoples hearts out.

I mean anyone with a bit of sense about them would know immediately that this was a massacre, no accident or natural disaster. By all points it was a rather stupid move.

And who put her up to it?

You guessed it, The Waven. Who is apparently still alive, and despite the supposed attempted murder, still working with Ronnie. Unbelievable.

"In the grand scheme of things, Veronica I think you will find that I have been far more merciful than you." I smirked, although she didn't look quite as amused as I felt.

A look of disbelief crossed her face,"Merciful? You think that what you've shown me is mercy!"

Be calm Nik, you need her to live.

"Yes little runt, that's exactly what I think. You don't believe me though do you?"

She shook her head, seeming very sure in her decision.

"Alright well then let's look at everything that we have both done to and for each other.

First you showed me kindness, allowed me in. If only so that I would allow you to live.

Then as the years went by, you joined The Wavens army. Without paying any heed to the warnings I had issued.

After I told you to run, you got angry at me for the fact that you didn't. As though it were my fault, as though I had ever wanted this for you.

Next you shacked up with the man that had spent as long as I could remember tormenting me. The man whose orders were the reason for all the things you hate me for.

Tried to kill me, as soon as said man told you to, and did so with a smirk on your face.

Tortured me, and now filled my streets with blood, and my homes with corpses! So no, I don't think you were particularly kind or merciful to me."

By the time I finished I was screaming at her, and had to take a moment to compose myself.

"I never said I was good Nik, I only said you weren't."

I barked a laugh,"Oh yes, let's look at all the things that I've done shall we? Let's look into the actions of your monster.

First, in spite of the fact that it would have been in perfect accordance with the rules of you people, and I hadn't eaten in about a week, I allowed you to live, saved you from The Wavens  plan for your people even.

Then I did everything I could to stop you from joining his army, knowing what that would mean for you, although you didn't listen.

Even after you joined I continuously begged you to run, and warned you that if you didn't I would have to hurt you.

Didn't say a word when you got together with the one man you knew it would hurt me the worst to see you with.

Let you live, despite the fact that you had just tried to kill me, and most certainly would have enjoyed doing so.

Tried to have peace with you and when that didn't work, burnt you city to the ground.

See I've done bad things, but when you list our crimes side by side, at least against you, mine are paltry."

Now I was less screaming so much as I was shaking, and that wasn't good. Because it meant I had reached that state, the one that made grown men run and even Anthony avoid me as much as was possible.

The stupid sort of calm where your body hadn't quite let go of its rage yet. The kind that made you want to get whatever was making your body so angry out of your way so that your whole self would finally be at peace with itself, in the same state.

And I was angry with her.

Always As You Say (Book One In The Waven Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin