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It was a beautiful city, and we had built it ourselves. Not of our own volition but still rather impressive, or so The Waven seemed to think. His pet certainly did.


How could she? How could she possibly be with that monster? Years after they got together and I'm still asking that question.

How could he? He knew what she meant to me, he said so when he told me to turn her. I should've just killed her then and there, but of course not, I'm not quite that compassionate.

"Nik you should rest, leave this to your underlings just this once? You must be tired by now. Go and sleep it off."

"As you say Waven." I had been tired recently, more emotionally than physically but rest couldn't hurt could it?


Hours later, I woke to an almost unbearable pain in my chest.


Someone had stabbed me, just barely missing my heart.

I looked up and saw - unbelievable.

"Ronnie? You, you tried to kill me?"

Her eyes were cold, her mouth turned up in a slight smirk,

"I'm just doing as I'm told Nikolas." Mocking my defense from years ago, she once again lunged for my heart, luckily for me I had some time on her and managed to evade the attack.

We struggled, both gaining and losing ground as I slowly came fully awake, her becoming more desperate the less sleep addled I became, knowing that once I was able I would have the advantage, the dagger.

"Do it. Kill me Nik, go ahead. I know how you regret not doing it when you had the chance, so go on. Fix your mistake." Her voice was still cold but her eyes had thawed. They pleaded with me, the same way that they had that long ago night.

Too bad for her I wasn't the one who had changed.

"I'm sorry my little runt, but that's not going to happen." I panted, " You want to die so bad, do it yourself, or stick around after I leave this tent alive, I'm sure The Waven will do it for you."

A look of fury crossed her face

"He would never hurt me, I'm his favourite!" She exclaimed.

I laughed at her, because honestly that was ridiculous. "You aren't serious are you? Do you know why you were sent to kill me, why I had to die? Because I'm old, I've been around long enough and learnt enough that I'm becoming a threat, he doesn't let most live nearly as long as I. But he made an exception because I'm his favourite."

She was clearly confused and not exactly convinced either, so I decided to elaborate.

"I'm sorry but he really doesn't give a shit about you, this whole thing has been about me, about making me his again."

Her eyes narrowed at this, "What do you mean again?" I couldn't help but huff a laugh, but really, if she wanted to know, who was I to deny her?

"He liked that I hated him, kept him entertained, and then, crazy thing happened. I fell in love. It infuriated him to no end, and eventually he wanted to meet the woman who kept me so enaptured. The woman he had so foolishly allowed me to save."

The look on her face was priceless, the pain oh so evident, so being the nice guy that I am, I made it worse.

"He rigged a contest to kill her but for some reason that didn't work, I guess she was stronger than he thought she would be. And then he figured that the best way to make me lose her, lose you, was to make you hate me, and so I was sent to do the dirty work, which is usually saved for much lower officers.

And yet, even when you hated me I pined for you, so he sought to make me jealous, to take you from me. And it worked because clearly you are his now, little runt. His pet.

Enjoy it before he kills you, I know I didn't."

I walked away, stabbing the blade through her shoulder to keep her from coming after me, her screams following as I went.

I saw the Waven sitting outside his tent.

"Where do you think you're going, get back inside."

Seeing him infuriated me, and I wished I still had that dagger, so that I could stab it through his pityfully small heart.

But I didn't have it, and I wasn't about to go back and get it, so instead I dissapeared into the night, leaving Veronica - and The Waven - behind as I went.

Always As You Say (Book One In The Waven Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant