Chapter 22:

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I do NOT own Hetalia. Hidekaz Himaruya does.


Alex slipped down the street, being more silent than a ninja. The others would know he was gone, there was no doubt in his mind, but he had to get to Brenna's house before they found him... He thought back to when he had just tricked Theodore into switching minds with him.. He had said that he could change the way Oliver was if he was in Oliver's mind, stop him from killing and terrorizing people. In reality, he knew that Oliver would never stop, and he wanted to corrupt Arthur. See, Arthur had immence magical abilities, more so than both Norway and Romania combined; if he could get into and control Arthur's body, there was nothing that could stop him from corrupting every countries' minds, turning them all into his minions! The world would be ruled by him. The only problem was, Arthur turned to guilt instead of anger. When Norway and Romania turned him into a little kid and sent him to an orphanage, I decided to leave him alone. But not really.

At night, when he was asleep, I would secretly take control over his body and go visit someone- a girl. She was in third grade, and she was the nicest person I had ever met; everyone came to her when they had a problem, and she would comfort them and make them feel better. She was as close to a saint as I would ever meet; I knew that someone that had an instinct like hers would have the 2p instinct of the devil herself. The 2p instinct would be able to help me when Arthur was ready. I visited her every night and talked to her. She never screamed or panicked when she saw me, not even the first time I came, she just tried to help me, and never told the people she trusted about me. Before long, I had made her 2p instict come out, and it was glorious. Carter Johnson, that was her 2p's instinct's name. It took a lot of effort, I had to give her a pentagram necklace so I could practice on nights when she couldn't see me, but soon I had switched her instincts, and she became a very hateful person. The only person she liked was me, and by then I had told her instinct the secret, on the condition that she never told Arthur should she see him randomly on the streets.

She helped a lot, at the cost of her happiness. She became so horrible that her parents and friends grew tired of her, and they kicked her to the streets. Not wanting her to go to the orohanage in case she slipped up with Arthur, I provided her a home, food, and education.

Ahh, I was here. I opened the door, not bothering to knock, and I was met with an ecstatic Carter. "Did it work, did it work? Can you rule the world now?"

I grinned, messing with her hair because she was like a younger sister to me. "Yeah, it worked, but they'll be looking for me. They could be able to trace it back to you, so we're going on a little trip, just like I promised." I opened a portal, making sure to make the destination after mine random so they couldn't track us. I grabbed her hand and went through the portal, ending up in.....

I didn't know... Was it Canididy? Canidallia? No, it was Canaadial. "Are we in Canada?" Carter asked.

Ah! It was Canada! "How'd you know?" I asked.

She pointed to a sign. I resisted the urdge to face-palm at my stupidity. "So what now?" she asked.

"We pick up a life here, get close to Canada the person, and trick him into drinking a certain potion you made. The one that traps them and lets out their 2p instinct. Brilliant job on that, by the way."

"Thanks." she said, admiring me like always.

"Your welcome."

"So now we go find that Canada guy? I wonder where he is."

"Me, too." we walked off, going to the nearest city.


"M-maple..!" I stuttered. I had heard the whole thing! I had seen them teleport right in front of me, and I had begun to ask them if everything was okay, but they hadn't seen me! I guess it was a good thing in this case... I pulled out my cell phone and called America.

"Yo, dude this isn't a good time!" he answered.

"America, Britain and some girl are trying to kidnap me! They said something about bringing out my 2p's instinct? Maple! You have to come help me!"

".... What? Repeat that, now the phone's on speaker."

"Britain and a little girl are trying to bring out my 2p's instinct! I don't know what that means, but if my 2p's involved, it can't be good! You know they're evil, Alfred! Come save me!"

"Hey! Just because we're involved doesn't mean that the situation is bad!" the guy I recognized as America's 2p snapped.

Despite being nervous now that someone was angry at me, I managed to quiver, "So the situation isn't bad?"

".. I didn't say that."


"Shut up! We'll be there in a little bit, whatever you do, don't go near them again! Jasper would blame me if he turned into you because of your instinct.."


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