Chapter Ten:

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  • Dedicated to Everyone reading this~

I don't own Hetalia. Hidekaz Himaruya does.

WARNING: France tries something, and Arthur is VERY tsundere in this chapter!!


   45 minutes after Alfred left, Arthur was finished unpacking, and wanted to go explore- without being led around by that loud american. He walked out the door, being as quiet as possible, just in case Alfred was around. He wasn't.

           Arthur walked down the corridor, hands hanging from his pockets by his thumbs, green eyes taking everything in. The large hallways were completely deserted. 'Why is everyone gone? Last time I was here, there were mobs of people...' Arthur wondered. Not that he minded it being empty- he hated being the center of attention.

           He walked outside, past the open doors belonging to the dormitory, relishing the frigid air. While he was wondering where to go first, he remembered the garden that his window over-looked, secluded from the rest of the world by a barrier of trees. His intrest was piqued, and he wlked back to the dorms. From there, he easily found the lage garden, full of flowers and vegitables. He saw a bench, next to a rose bush. He didn't like rose bushes, he never had, for some unknown reason, but the bench looked so inviting, so he sat down, against his gut feeling.

         Before long, the serenity of it all started to lull him to sleep, making his eyes droop...


         When he woke up, content and calmed, three figures were arguing a little bit away. One man had shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes, another had brown hair and green eyes, and the last one had white hair, although he looked like a teenager, and red eyes. The one with green eyes suddenly pointed at him and yelled out, "Francis, Gilbert, look! He's awake!"

       "Ohonhonhon, I was 'oping zhat 'e would 'ae up soon~ It's no fun if 'e's sleeping~" the one with blonde hair chuckled. 'Why am I so unnerved?' Arthur questioned himself. His eyes narrowed, and he tried to get up; he didn't want to stay here, anymore.

        He didn't expect the blond boy's hand to reach out and push him back down.

         "Oi! Don't touch me, you bloody frog!" he yelled.

         "Non, I 'on't 'hink I 'ill.." he grinned, then sat down.... On Arthur.

         Not expecting this, either, Arthur froze. Francis' face was inches away from his own, and getting closer. Eyes half-lidded, Francis stopped, centimeters from his lips; he licked his own, then crashed their two mouths together, hands placing themselves on Arthur's thighs. 

        Arthur stood up, pushing Francis off of him. "What the bloody Hell? You revolting rapist! Touch me again and I'll kill you!"

        Francis wiped his mouth off- saliva had trailed down his chin. He signalled to his friends; they moved in behind Arthur and grabbed his arms. Francis stood up and put a finger under Arthur's chin. "Zhat 'asn't 'ery nice..." he complained. He snatched Arthur's hands from his friends and held them up above the brit's head, pulling him up off the ground.

       Arthur had to keep himself from hyperventilating- this was too simillar to the last time; he forced himself to calm down, then kicked Francis in the place where the sun doesn't shine. Francis doubled over, releasing Arthur from his grasp. He took the oppertunity to knee him in the face, then reached into his pants and gripped something cold and slick.

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