Chapter 15:

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I don't own Hetalia. Hidekaz Himaruya does.


        Arthur strut down the hall, actually enjoying having a gun on him and wearing punk clothes. He noticed that every one was staring at him, but he didn't care. He heard the bell ring and slowed his walking as everyone hustled to class. Once the hallways were deserted, Arthur grinned. He already knew everything his teacher ( Germania ) would be teaching him. He had to act like a juvinielle delinquent- why not embrace his past self? He loved it when he was a punk; he had had so much fun it was sickening!

        Britain walked out of the school, headphones in his ears, blowing gum and singing along to his loud music. He found himself walking in the school garden, having a score to settle with France because of the first day. How dare he?! He walked over to the rose bushes and pulled a lighter out of his pocket. He flicked on the flame and held it under the biggest and most beautiful rose he could find. He remained emotionless as the plant caught fire, quickly spreading to the rest of the bush. Once the fire was large enough that he was positive that someone in the school would point it out at any moment, Arthur walked away, a smug grin on his face.

        He made it to his dorm room before someone shouted, "Fire! Fire in the garden, aru!"

        He walked over to the window and pulled his headphones down, watching the scene with cat-like eyes. France ran out with a huge bucket of water ( and to Arthur's horror, was only wearing a rose ), and drenched the fire, cussing the whole time. 

         Revenge? Oh, yes. Arthur would have his revenge- on all of the members of the Bad Touch Trio. This one was just France's part. The best part? France's punishment wasn't over. He still had one more part. Suddenly he heard the Frog screech, "ARTHUR! I KNOW 'OU 'ID ZHIS 'O MY 'EAUTIFUL ROSES! GET 'OWN 'ERE! WHEN I 'ET MY 'ANDS ON 'OU, I'LL KILL YOU!"

        He opened his window and smirked down at France. He yelled as loud as he could so others could hear their conversation. "Ya know, Francis, I've been wondering about something.... Your dick must be really small, considering that you can completely hide it behind a single rose. The only thing smaller that I can think of would have to be your I.Q.!"

        He heard lots of laughing and angry sputtering as he closed the window, widely grinning. He turned around, the next part of his plan ready to be put in action.


        Britain found Prussia in the library, reading a book for once. It was about Prussia, naturally. Arthur grinned- this gave him an opening. He walked over to the albino, and sat down in front of him, trying to look curious about what he was reading. "Hey, Gilbert. I have a question for you, if your awesomeness wouldn't mind.." he somehow managed to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

        Gilbert looked up, smiling. "Sure! Go ahead."

        "What's someone as awesome as you doing reading a book about Prussia?" he added a lot of scoff on the country's name. Gilbert's eyes narrowed.

         "What are you say-"

        Arthur cut him off, waving his hand flippantly and pretending that he didn't hear or see him. "I mean, Prussia's not a country. Like, at all. It's a pathetic excuse for a bit of land that is dead. It's not awesome at all. And it never will be." Prussia looked like he was going to explode. "I remember when I was a little kid. I had done some research and found this country called Prussia. It was too boring for me to actually research it, so I just went around the mall asking people if they knew what it was. No one knew." he took a breath, "So, anyway, what is someone like you doing reading something as stupid as that?"

        Gilbert looked like he was about to yell at Arthur when said brit's phone went off, an alarm that he had set earlier to get out of Gilbert's scolding. He stood up, giving an apologetic look to the albino. "Sorry, I have to go now. Bye- maybe we'll pick up on this conversation later!"

        And he walked away, leaving a fuming country out for his head. Stage two complete!


        Arthur walked up to Spain, wearing a British Union shirt proudly. "Hey, Antonio! What's your favorite country? Mine's Britain."

        Spain turned around, smiling. "I thought it was obvious- Spain!"

        "Then from now on you're my enemy! Just kidding! But seriously, remember when Britain totally kicked Spain's ass in the pirating days? Come to think of it, I gave a video about that very thing to your roommate. He looked really happy to recieve something about Spain's failures, and asked me not to.... Tell.... You.... Oops.... You didn't hear this from me, okay?"

        Antonio looked really sad. "Yeah... Okay."

        "What's wrong? It's okay, I'm sure he won't watch it around you! He seems like a really nice boy. Oh, by the way, do you know about the group of boys fawning over him outside of school? They look really dangerous.... You should try to protect him if he goes outside. Anyway, bye!"

        That night, as Arthur lay in bed, he heard Romano scream, "Antonio! You cazzo- what are you doing snooping through my stuff? Get out, tomato bastard!"

        "B-but Lovino, you have a disk-"

        "It doesn't matter what I have- get out!"

        "It's my room, too- ahh, Lovino, quit pushing me ou-" he was cut off by a door slamming.

        Yes, Arthur had gotten his revenge. On every member of the Bad Touch Trio. And he liked feeling powerful. Before he couldn't do anything like this- he would have started wars with France and Germany, and Spain would've been suspicious with his wierd behavior. He liked being a delinquent.


Another chapter's writtin!


Sure, why not?


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