Chapter Six:

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  • Dedicated to Chibi_Canada, Hetalia_ChibiAmerica, Yousmelllikefart, and BookBird1497

Read: I do not own Hetalia! That right belongs to the one and only Hidekaz Himaruya!  Also, read the message at the bottom when you finish the chapter, and you get a virtual hug.


           15-year-old Arthur Kirkland turned off his music, slightly worried, and went to the stairs. He called down said stairs, "Oliver? Are you done yet?" 


             Arthur relaxed when he heard the shower. 'He's just taking a bath. Today was probably stressful.'          

                  He went back to his room, resuming the loud japanese music- Arthur didn't even remember the last time he chose to listen to music in English; japanese was just so much better! He plopped down on his bed, the one that was once carefully made, and stared at the ceiling, inspecting every groove and shadow. His stomach growled, reminding him just how hungry he was. He looked at the clock; it was 6:05, and that meant that dinner wouldn't be ready for another 55 minutes. He wouldn't last that long.

                        He got up and walked to the mini-fridge in the corner of his room next to his window, and opened it, pulling a soda out. He began drinking said soda, and, with nothing else to do, opened the window to let a cool breeze in. Who cares if the neighbors didn't like his loud music- certainly not Arthur. If anything' he was so bored he wanteed to get yelled at; he turned up his music.


                  Oliver sighed, in his second shower for the day. Arthur had turned up his music again. He had finished disposing of the mess, and was quite enjoying the hot water, but if he let the music stay on for too long, the neighbors would get upset, and if he killed another person who had complained about them, the police might get suspicious. He had already done that twice.

                  He stepped out of the shower, turning off the water.


                 A knock on his door made Arthur set his soda down and yell, "Come in!", over the blare of the music.

                 Oliver opened the door and stepped in. "Arthur, dearest, could you turn that down a smidge?"

                 "Could you repeat that?"

                "Can you turn your music down a tad?"Oliver said louder.


                Oliver pointed to the radio.

                 "Oh. Sorry." Arthur turned the radio off. "Did you need anything else?"

                 "No, that' it. Thank you." he left the room, going back down the stairs and, to what Arthur assumed, his bedroom. He continued drinking his pop.


                      "What will we do, aru?" China exclaimed.

                     "We have to get him back, da?" Russia grinned.

                      "Ja, I understand zhat ve need to get vim back, but ve vannot send all ze countries on a search and rescue mission. Zhat would send ze world in a panic!"  Germany shouted, trying to calm everyone down. Noway had told them the news. "Ve vill send three people to search for him per month, trading off on ze first dy ov a new month. Ze first people to go vill be Norway, America, und me."

                    "Not gonna happen!  I'm helping, too!" Romania called out.

                   "Nein, vou vill only get in ze way. Besides," he added on a softer note when he saw Romania's crest-fallen face, "you have a country to run."

                   "But I've managed to work it out so far..."

                  "Ja, but you've been over-vorking yourselv. Take zis month to just run your country- I promise you'll be on next month."

                      "Okay...." Romania backed off.

                    "Anyway," Germany continued, "ve vill leave as zoon az ze meetin uz over. If your name vas called, meet me at America's jet- ve are going to ze U.S.A."


                     They had started in Texas, searching every home, going from city to city. They could only get two cities done before the next month came, despite them working as fast as possible. The two cities had been relatively small, too. This was going to take years.

                    "But I can go again! I can find him- I know it! Let me go this month, too! Please?" America begged Germany.

                    "Nein! Zou vill not over-exert yourselv!" Germany snapped. America had been asking all day.

                      "Then I'll just do it anyway!" America yelled, then ran away as fast as he could, "I'm America! In my country, you're free! I'll just search for him anyway if you try to stop me! I will find my Iggy!"

                     Germany growled from the back of his throat. America was right- he couldn't stop him, only offer his opinion on the matter. If America wanted to kill himself by working too much, he could go right ahead; Germany didn't care!


            America sneezed, his weary limbs begging to get some rest; but he had to save England, like the hero he is. He had been looking for him, month-after-month, for an entire year, visiting almost every city in America. So far, he had done the eastern part of the country, all the way to Minnesota, and the other countries had done the southern part of the U.S. of A., all the way until Nevada. But no one had found him yet. America knew that his economy was plummeting because of his lack of care towards his country, but right now, all that he wanted was to find his friend.

              He was now in Wisconson, the state being cold-as-all-get-out, hoping to catch a glimpse of his fomer boss. He turned a corner and went on Okiokio Lane, and he would have been laughing at the stupid street name had he not been so depressed. His next group of houses belonged to the neighborhood called, 'Magic'

             America chuckled bitterly. "That sounds like the kind of place England would live in. Too bad I know how futile this is going to be. Might as well get it over with."

              He trudged through the thickly-falling snow, huddling close to his jacket. He knocked on each door three times, knowing that if even one of the people in this neighborhood was gone that he would have to come back. He had only had everyone in their houses once before, and that sweep was the quickest ever done.  

               Eventually, he got to a house, 1740 Mage's Staff Drive, and stopped. He was going to go up to the door, but said front door was wide open, and two people were walking toward a black SUV. America didn't pay much heed to the adult, but standing next to him, in a punk outfit that was definitely familliar, was England.

               Punk, sixteen-year-old-looking England. 


 PLEASE READ, VERY IMPORTANT:    I'd like to thank Hetalia_ChibiAmerica for helping me write this, as well as her sister, and my friend, Chibi_Canada! Thanks, guys! As for the important part, I want you all to check out Hetalia_ChibiAmerica 's story, called 'Journey to Nyotalia', because it's awesome. Also check out Chibi_Canada 's stories, okay? Seriously. These be my real-life besties. Sorry for lying to you about the importance of this message, but it was necessary. I wanted you to know. SQUEEE~

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