Chapter Four:

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  • مهداة إلى Hetalia_ChibiAmerica, Chibi_Canada, BookBird1497, Yousmelllikefart

       Read: I still don't own Hetalia. Hidekaz Himeruya does.       

    Sorry for skipping around in time so much, but I have a plot, and once we get where we need to be, I don't think I'll skip time quite so much!


                 "Please- just give us back our Iggy!" America persisted. 

                 The Norwegian man stayed silent, choosing to ignore him instead of waste his time trying to convince him that what they did was for the best. The other countries still didn't know exactly what Norway and Romania did, but they knew that they did something, and they wanted to know what; they couldn't have killed him without killing Oliver, and that was just about impossible! They would go to someone with magic, but everyone with it was either missing or the people who caused the others to go missing. They had tried torture, but the two members of the Magic Trio were trained to be soldiers, and they had magic, so forcing them to speak didn't help. At all.

                  America was near tears,"Why? Why won't you tell us what you did? I want Iggy back..."

                 Norway felt the familliar pang of guilt course through him- not like he could give in to it, of course. Soon after the torture, Norway and Romania decided to add a magic seal to their pinky promise. Now, if they wanted to tell someone, they both had to agree and break they spell in order for the truth to be told. Norway was incapable of telling him.

             Then America asked a question that no one had asked before, despite it being painfully simple: "If you won't tell me, then at least tell me this- is he safe?"

                  Norway turned to the American, giving him the first answer anyone had gotten from them since England dissapeared, "Yes."

                    America's face brightened instantly, showing more joy than he had felt for the past few years combined. "Thanks," then, he left Norway's doorstep, racing off into his car to drive off and tell everyone the good news.

                    Norway turned around, wanting to sleep, but having to figure out how to solve England's current crisis; the country of England had gotten progressivly worse after they had sent Arthur to the orphanage, and, though Norway was trying his absolute hardest to run it the way Arthur would have, running two countries was enough to drain someone even if they had magic.

                   Norway went into his room, where he gathered his country's finished paperwork and set it  in a drawer, just in case a breeze blew past the open window and scattered said papers. Then, he grabbed England's work and started to fill that out. 

                     He worked on that until he passed out, still sitting at his desk, England's almost-finished paperwork in his hand.


             Romania slid through the open window, into Norway's room. He would have went through the front door, but no doubt the other Nordics would turn him away- they did it everytime he came by and Norway wasn't the one to answer the door.

              ' It was a good thing I decided to do that, too', he noted when he saw Norway's sleeping figure laying over England's paperwork. 'No way they would let me in if Norway was asleep- but this is important.' 

                 Romania stood next to Norway, gently shaking him awake. "Hmmm..?" Norway asked when his eyes slid open. He saw Romania and jolted up, then relaxed and said, "Why didn't the others wake me up and tell me that I had a guest?"

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