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  • Dedicated to Yousmelllikefart, and XXxBelievexXX

I do NOT own Hetalia, because Hidekaz Himaruya does! For those of you that have read this already, I've changed it at the bottom and end of the story, so read! The author's note at the very end is important, so read!

P.S.: Your breasts are mine, da-zeh!


        Arthur Kirkland quickly walked away from his dorm room, trying and failing to hide all emotion. 'Pull it together, twat! Nothing happened to you! Quit showing such weakness!' But he couldn't help it- just thinking about it made him want to cry... He sniffed, thankful that no one was around. 'It's only showing weakness if someone's around. No one's here now.'

         He couldn't, though. Part of him just didn't want to let anyone know that he was suffering. That was pathetic. Others would ridicule him for it. They would laugh at him for being weak. Just like him. A sob came out of him, though he wasn't crying, his knees feeling weaker than Jello. He wanted nothing more than to curl up and die. Then he would win, and leave him alone. 

        He felt a hand on his shoulder, but he didn't turn around. He couldn't care less who it was, he had to quit being so emotional either way. So he stiffed a lip, spun around and yelled, "Bloody twat, leave me alone!"

        It was Alfred. He took his hand off of Arthur's shoulder. "Tell me what's wrong." He looked like he actually cared. But he couldn't have. They had just met. 

        "Nothing. Absolutely nothing's wrong."

        "That's a lie."

        "In your opinion."

        "Yeah," he looked angry, "in my opinion! You were crying! So tell me what's wrong!"

        Alfred almost looked.... Scary. But it didn't seem to faze Arthur. "I. Will. Never. Tell. You."

        "And why the Hell not?" he wasn't yelling, but the fact that he wasn't made those words so much more menacing. "Why can't you tell me?"

        "No." he started backing away, towards the road. "I know what you're doing. Once I give you a little information, you could piece together the rest, or make me accidently spill it. I'm dropping the subject." He was now at the edge of the road, and Alfred knew what he was doing. But it was too late.

        Arthur launched into the road, expertly dodging every car, going over some, and only stopped when he reached the sidewalk on the other side. He looked at Alfred with defience. "Quit trying to be my hero."

        Then a large eighteen-wheeler passed, and he was gone.

        Alfred glared at the space Arthur used to be in. The only way he would be able to get Arthur to tell him what was wrong would be to get him drunk. But would he be able to get Arthur to drink? He thought he was only 16, and the law required him to be at least 22. Consuming beer would be illegal in his eyes. He needed a plan- Arthur only had to drink one, since he was such a bad drunk.

        Meanwhile, Arthur was running as fast as he could away from Gauken AU. Anywhere where he didn't know anyone was fine. He went around a corner and slowed down. Alfred hadn't given chase. He ignored the slight feeling of dissapointment. 'Liar. If he was my hero he would make sure I'm truly alright, even if I push him away.' 

        He looked into an allyway, hearing strange noises. Kind of like.... Grunts. Was someone fighting in there? He pulled out his gun and slowly went down the long ally. He soon saw two figures, one obviously female, the other male. The male had the girl pinned to the wall. The girl was crying. He raised his gun at the boy. "Oi! If you want to live, get the fuck away from her. Now."

Arthur Kirkland's ProblemWhere stories live. Discover now