Thirty Two- I Picked Well.

Start from the beginning

"Right, that would explain it," The nurse said, unfazed like seeing a teenager with cancer is a regular thing for her, "Since the bleeding hasn't stopped, were going to have to cauterise your nose. Have you ever had that done before?"

I shook my head. This sucked. My last day with my dad until Christmas had to be spent in hospital, talk about unlucky.

"In basic words, we burn the blood vessels where the bleeding is coming from with an electric current." She said as she took a small torch and shoved it around my nose.

I gulped, burning the inside of my nose? Gross. That sounded extremely painful.

The nurse sensed my fear and gave me a sympathetic smile, "Don't worry darling, your going to be fine."

I sure hoped so.


So that's what happened. I got hooked up to a drip and was taken down to be prodded and poked with a thin electricity charged wire, burning my nose.

I awoke feeling groggy. My dad jumped out of his seat and grabbed my hand.

"Hey kiddo, how are you feeling."

"Like I've sniffed bleach for fun." I frowned.

"The doctors said you'd be in some discomfort. But I'll call for some pain meds." He smiled, pressing my bleeper to call the nurses.

I was probably in the worst mood of my life. I felt like I literally had a cloud hanging above my head shooting out lightning bolts and raindrops around me.

Normal teenagers would be excitedly packing up their room or celebrating their move to the big apple, even throwing a goodbye party. But me, I was stuck in a crappy hospital with two big sponges stuck up my nose looking like Shrek.

I looked around my room, hoping to find something to take my mind of the pain. Unlike my hospital in New York, this one had pale grey walls and dark squeaky laminate flooring. It screamed boring.

"Hey dad, who's the flowers from?" I asked as I nodded towards two vases on the shelf underneath the window.

"The blue roses are from someone called Logan and family and the lilies are from a guy called Phil." He stated, raising his eyebrows at me.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "How has the news of me being in hospital traveled back to New York already?"

"We'll, I might of, told Renee and Harper." He announced, taking a particular interest in a wedding magazine to avoid eye contact.

"Dad!" I shrieked, "I didn't want to worry anyone and now half of the world knows!"

"Oh don't be so dramatic Rhiannon. I only told your best friends. Calm down."

I gave him a loud sigh as a reply, my mood worsening by the second. I think my dad officially had the biggest mouth anybody had ever had. Tell him the tiniest thing and the entire population knows within the hour.

After taking some pain killers and getting the okay to go home, I skipped out the hospital, happy to escape the morbid place.

It was now five in the afternoon and I still had plenty to do, including pack up my things to take back with me. Trust me to leave everything till the last minute.

"Shall we get a pizza. I'm starved." I moaned as we drove through the electric gates and up the driveway.

"Sounds good to me. You go and relax and I'll order it." My dad said as he cut the engine and jumped out the car.

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