•Why• [C.G] p.2

423 8 0

Word Count: 940

:: 4 Months Later ::

It was only your fourth month into pregnancy, you being the first to notice all the slight changes. Your stomach had gotten bigger just as your thighs and feet. The cravings for more food just now starting to kick in.

You examine yourself in yours and Carl's full body mirror, supported by three legs in the far corner of the room.

Black leggings becoming the new craze. T-shirts that used to dangle from your bones now becoming tight with the baby's growth.

Most if not all of the group knew by now. It took you and Carl a good long while to muster up the courage to confront the group. Their reaction was much like you both had predicted.

When you announced the news two months back, silence overcame your odds and ends of a family. Eventually through out the next month all were willing to congratulate you and Carl about the news.

Out of all of those who could have taken it the worst was Rick. Carl was his son, couldn't imagine it being easy to accept your teenage son becoming a father.

However recently, Rick was able to pull both you and Carl to the side–alone from the rest of the group. Telling you both, he would be there and supports your decision to take on the huge responsibility.

Your eyes still scan over your body and all the changes it had undergone, accepting that there were more to come. You being all to focused barely noticed Carl making his way in the bedroom.

Sweat beads run from his brow as dirt and mud plug his pores. You could practically feel the hot afternoon sun-rays beaming off of Carl.

Not long after he entered the bedroom did it take for him to peel of his work boots and take a seat on the edge of the bed. His elbows rest on his knee caps as his hands hold his head from running lose.

Carl was stressed, the most stressed you had ever seen him be recently. He was worried with what the next few months would hold. Judith's horrific birth controlling all his thoughts.

"Babe, are you okay?" You felt deeply for Carl, knowing that the internal conflict he must be going through must be tough.

"I'm fine, just-"
"Stressed," you finish for him.

He chose not to reply verbally but to agree wth a single nod.

Carefully you make your way to Carl, placing a confronting hand on his shoulder with grace. Your thumb stroking his back where it was placed.

After a few genteel moments his body slightly jumped as if his personalilty had just came back at once. Carl's eyes darting quickly to yours then your stomach. He fixed his body so he was vertical from your belly. Being slow and carful to place his hands upon the small round bump. Both of Carl's hands rub your stomach with care, his thumb repeating the motions yours had.

You couldn't stop the butterfly's from unleashing as you looked down at your baby's fathers with love. Love, was the only word that fit the emotion you had at this very moment. It showed he cared for you and the baby, even if he was scared that things could go wrong five months ahead of time.

"You were there when it happened right?" Carl spoke.
"Of course I was,"
"Are as scared as I am then?" Carl's eyes have not left you bump as he continued with his questions.

"Carl, Alexandria has more medical supplies then the prisons boiler room." You took a minute to pause and wait for a reply. When Carl didn't give one, his eyes still focused on where they were before–you continued. "We're safe here, we are safe now."

Your lips flate line into a delicate smile as your hand moves from his back to his head. Your fingers moving his brown locks that blocked his blue eyes from reaching yours.

Not long after that did Carl's eyes soften and gaze up at yours, "I hope it's a girl," he said with a even bigger smile that would have matched yours.

"Why's that," you spoke in a soft clean tone. Making it easier to say what you felt.

"If it's a girl," he paused thinking about how he was going to say the reason why, "I will be able to look at her while she cradled in my arms. And see the most beautiful girl I love through her eyes."

That was only the second time Carl had said he loves you to your face. The first being when both of you where discussing how you would tell the group. More butterfly's let loose as you don't even attempt hiding your joy.

"They will be blue, even if it is a boy or girl." You share with Carl.

His loving gaze slowly turned into curiosity. You could tell by how is brows farrowed and eyes hardened.

"The baby's eyes will be blue wether it is a boy or a girl because, we both have blue eyes." After you explained to Carl his physical stature apparently shot back to normal.

You later began to notice his eyes becoming watery as they attempted to hold salty liquid in. Tears of joys cross his face as he stares at the two most wonderful things he could ever love.

Little did you know Carl fantasized this moment since the short stay at the church. He knew you were the one, the moment he saw you cradle Judith for the first time.

His dream was finally coming true.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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