•Normal Life• [C:R]

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This imagine is going to be longer then the usual. I rarely write more then 1,500 words when writing and imagine, but I feel like I have written a bunch involving more then one part, so here we go.

Word Count: 2,032

"Come on y/n, you'll enjoy yourself." Gray said in effort to guilt you into going.

"Dude I already said I'm not going to his party."
"Just go." Again he plead.
"The guy probably don't even want me over, at his place to start with."

"Oh really." Gray stops in the middle of the schools' hall, crossing his arms while looking at you like you were the dumbest creature to have walked the earth. "Then how come he told me, to invite you myself?"

You gave no answer, honestly you didn't have one. To believe Gray was like to believe a stranger with a mini van. The word Candy spray painted to the sides of the white vehicle.

"You think I believe you?"
"You should." Gray retorted.

Grays friend was an okay guy. You had never really talking to him unless he was either at Grays house, or played on the same game sever as you and Gray.

Apparently the kid was on some television show, and because of that nearly every girl was caught begging for a chance to meet him outside of school grounds.

"Chandlers parties aren't what you think they would be like. I know your not a huge party goer." He added.

You were getting bored with his endless rambling and he knew it. "But it's not like that. He just wanted to have a get together. No disco, red cups or loud music. Chandler ain't that kind of teenager."

"Not yet at least." You mutter under your breath. Your eyes glancing from the clock towards the floor.
"Please just go. I'll pick you up on my way over, about five?"

It took a minute but with his pleasing eyes, his desire to witness you have some fun, you couldn't resist.

"Fine, but as soon as I want to leave-"
"I'll drive you home myself." He gave you a grin as he walked to his next class.


You reach for your black converse's as the front doorbell rung. Having a strong sense it was Gray, you announce the unlocked door with ease. "Open!" You shout from the top of the staircase.

The door opens, but Gray doesn't reply. Worried you rushed to your room, shoving twenty dollars and your phone into a shoulder purse. Then grabbing your jacket as you finished clasping your neckless. "Gray?"

Again without an answer. You hurry down the stairs, pocking your head around each corner. The refrigerator door slammed shut, you no longer grew uncomfortable.

"Into the households junk food Mr. Gray?" Leaning your body weight against the door frame, leading into the kitchen.
"Kiss my ass. We've been besties for long now? Seven plus years I believe."

The counties newspaper catches you gaze from across the room, you could help but examine it. "Just throw me a water already." Stating as you left your previous spot for the kitchen island.

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