•Unreadable Pt. 2• [C:G]

499 4 4

Word Count: 949


Y/N Pov.

"Names' Carl, care if I show you around?" The boy was uneasy, and for a quick moment unreadable.

"I have waited a long time for safety.-" You thought. This may be my last chance, to be so rounded be people—walls that can protect us. I have to make this work... You nod your head.


Y/N Pov.

As you roam the tombs with Carl, you got to wondering. They had done all of this?

"How did you guys do this?" You ask out of the blue, looking at Carl.

"We're lucky to have an organized group, all of them having a smart heads to fit their shoulders." He answered, still looking in front of him.

"I mean, you guys cleared an entire cell block." You replied.
"And a cafeteria, the court yard, all four of the guard towers." Carl added.
"Huh, wow. Crazy to think there is still more." You breath out.
"Not really hard, if your smart and know how to handle yourself." He states in a blank manner.

"What about you?" He continued.
"Excuse me?" You ask, misunderstanding what exactly he was trying to interpret.
"Do you know how to handle yourself?"Carl now facing you.

"I've made it this far. Haven't I?" You stop in your tracks. "I don't plan on dying, just because we are stuck in a atmosphere with those skin chewers." You just can't let it go. "The government, must have been the first to evacuate, as long as their alright then things might change." You continue, "Let's not forget about the-".

"CDC? Yeah thats gone." Carl interrupted, when easing his way to a stop.

"What?" Your voice almost cracking.

"There is no CDC, all blown into ashes an smoke. I would know, I watched it. For christ sake I as almost engulfed in it. Let's not forget my hometown, in which I was born an raised. Let not forget it! Because like the government, the CDC, and the whole rest of the world, it either has or is going to be light with the flame! That's when the world will come crumbling down. Right know its just slowly decaying." Carl is left to regain his breath after his speech.

"I can't believe it." You say. "Before I didn't understand, know it is clear as day. This is life now, but maybe instead of becoming the flame we delay it. Pouring small buckets of water on it, as time goes by." After a moment you add, "Thank you Carl."

He just nodded.

[3 Weeks Later]

"Whats taking you so long?" Carl states in the form of a laugh.

"I can't figure out how to do it." You laugh, a smile poking though the sides of you cheeks.

"Here," He puts down his shovel and peels off his gloves. "When searching for a potato, you gotta dig deeper." He continued, "When you see the firsts of the roots, dig till you get about six inches under the surface of the soil. You wanna do it away from the plant, you don't wanna risk losing a food resource."

"Thanks, Mr. Grimes." You smirk.

"Anytime, O'l Y/L/N." He states.

[2 Weeks Later]

You golf-down your evening meal in a hurry.

"Meet me by guard tower three, next to the stables." What Carl had wrote on a slip of napkin had kept replaying itself in your head.

You get up, throwing you dish into the wash bin.

"In a hurry?" Beth asks, distracting you from your mission. 

"Yeah I'm on the night-watch shift" You lied. "Guard tower three."
"Might come up an join you."

Nodding you hurry out the doors and toward the guard tower.

The sun had set and the sky grew a darker shade of black, as night begun to take over. The stars could be seen blinking and sparkling. For a moment it seemed, uplifting.

Making your way past the gate, you slipped your way through with ease. Walking on the dirt path, getting a glance of Carl.

"Carl.." You whisper. "Where you at?"
"Other side."

As you crept to the opposite side of the guard tower. You gain curiosity, as to why he wanted to meet here.

Both of your eyes make contact, "Why did you-".
Carl interrupted, "We should talk."

You nod, sliding your back against the concrete wall of the guard tower. Sitting on the ground with your knees pulled to your chest. "Bout what?"

Carl took in a deep breath, then slowly letting it ease out. As if preparing for an important High School Graduation, speech of adult hood verses child play. "Y/N I know it hasn't been long but, there was always something about you. That every time I would look at you, my heart would leap out of chest and my eyes were only focused on you."

You had no a clue, were this conversation planned on going.

"Y/N, I like you. And I-"

Beth rounded the corner, holding a semi-auto in one hand, a bolt action rifle slung on her shoulder. In the other hand were two cans of peaches, and spoons. You learned, that when on the night shift, everything was longer. The guns were for protection as the peaches were for midnight cravings.

"Oh, didn't expect to see you out here, Carl." Beth completely oblivious to what had been said. "You joining us?" She questioned.

Carl shook his head, "Nah Beth, I am good. Y/N I will talk to you tomorrow." He winks and walks away, saddened but yet somehow still confident.

Part Two! Yay, Who is ready for a Part Three? Will definitely be released within the next 3-4 Days! Thank you my Bethies!

{Carl Grimes Imagines}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora