•Damn Right• [C.G]

538 9 0

Word Count 903

"Wow, aren't you just hilarious." You playfully retort towards Carl as millions of snow flurries dash across your face.

"I know I am." He said.

Georgia rarely ever got a glimpse of cold weather, let alone and inch of snow.

Hurrying as fast as you could you fall to your knees as you gather more.

"You didn't even see it coming," he states while in the middle of a laughter fit.

Turning on your heels, you chuck the ball of freezing white powder directly at Carl's chest–sending yourself into uncontrollable laughter.

"Alright, I deserved that one." He cracks a relentless smile.
"Damn right." You mange to breath out while still laughing.

Your y/e/c eyes catch Carl's blue orbs as your facial structure began to soften.

"You know– y/n, I think this is a first,"
"First for what?" You ask.
"Me seeing you for what you really are. Instead of whats on your outer shell."

He was right. This was a first.

There weren't very many opportunities to joke about in the apocalypse. Let alone a frequent amount of time to see people for who they were and not for who the virus made them become.

"Yeah I guess you're right." You express to Carl; a half hearted smile. He immediately could tell something was up, just by how your mood had changed so drastically.

"Everything okay?" He pushed.

You didn't say anything hoping just to forget about it, move on with a different conversation. But it sure wasn't like Carl to give in.

"Your not weak. Y/n, don't think that. Your more then strong."

All you could do in reply was give Carl a short nod.

"It–it was..." He was attempting to say something, so in return you give Carl most of your attention–as much as you could anyway.
"I loved it. I wish I could see that part of you more often."

Even through Carl's explanation wasn't long or extravagant like the ones you would think of in the movies. It was more then that, It was a million times better: it was meaningfully special.

Your posture straightens while your body rushes to Carl however not reaching a full sprint. Your body smashes into Carl's as your arms wrap tightly around his lower torso.

It took a minute for him to ig-knowledge what was going on. But once Carl realized his arms tighten around yours as he held you close and full of comfort.

After a few blissful moments Carls chin connects with your inner shoulder and neck. "It's cold outside, lets held in."


It had gotten dark out side the prison, the inside lite with candles and small lights powered by the generators.

For dinner Carol and a few people from Woodberry; whom you haven't yet gotten the chance to meet, served up a warm serving of deer meat and peaches.

Not the best meal but it was the best there was at offer.

The moment after you had finished you protein and was about to move on to the fruit, a finger poked the back of your shoulder.

"Can I talk to you...just for a minute." It was Carl.
"Of course." Before you left with Carl. You placed you tray on the edge of the table while grabbing your two peaches, placing them in your cell as you walked by.

He leads you into his cell. Comic books sprawled out over the steel bunk and a chair in the nearest corner. A desk lamp balancing on a stack on the floor next to the wall.

Within a matter of seconds you felt your body being pushed against Carl's cell's nearest wall.

Your breath hitches as you didn't know where he was going with this. "Ca-"

He instantly cut you off. "Y/n, promise this one thing,"

Your gaze directed straight into Carl's eyes, both of you hands held besides your head and restrained by both of his. You nodded.

A huge sigh of relief escaped his lips. His head bowing towards the floor. Your eyes catching his every motion. When his eyes returns to yours, they are red and filled with salty liquid as the puffy-niss of his eye hold the tears in. His lip starts to quiver as he spook.

"Promise me y/n you will never leave me. That you always be here for me to protect you. You'll always be here for me. And only me. That you'll feel the same for me and only me."

What was he saying? You wondered. Without a response he continued this time becoming more choked up.

"I love you. Not just the you I saw earlier today, but I love you and everything about you."

Now you eyes started to become drowned with the same effects as Carl's.

He loves you.

He gave up on using words to express how he felt–instead leaning in with closed eyes and puckered lips.

You've always liked Carl. And everything about Carl. You physically dreamed of this moment. Now it was here. Even you couldn't fully believe what he was saying.

You lean in with grace as your two rosy lips meet his. Neither one of you wanting to pull away. Instead you cradled each other hoping the moment would never end.

Sorry it was kinda short
Then what I usually write
But I thought this was incredibly cute!

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