•Ashamed• [C:G]

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Word count: 908

Your stomach in knots, body going numb. Knees give out, collapsing on the cold cement floors of any normal Atlanta State Prison. Faced with a huge an agonizing decision, one you knew would eventually be encountered.

You can't think straight, your mind buzzing in fifty directions without a signal destination.


Your left to question yourself, over and over again.

"We were lucky with Judith." You thought, Carl's mom, Lori died months ago during child birth. Leaving the group in distraught. Especially Carl, "Would he want to risk that? Would he still love me?"

Your breathing hitches as tears brim the corners of your eyes.

Not knowing what to think, your mind wonders. "How am I going to tell him?"

Just then the door to enter 'Cell Block C' , opens unexpectedly.

His voice barely able to be heard, sounded scarce and worried.

"Where is she?" You faintly hear.

Carl spook again, "Maggie, where is she?" His tone of voice rose.

"I haven't seen her for a while, last time I did she was in your and hers cell." She stated, bits of annoyance and curiosity flow off her speech.

He mumbles, "Thanks." it is not long before you hear Carl bound up the flight of stairs, leading to the second row of cells.

You don't bother to stand, to focused on staring at nothing. Your mind almost fully blank, your body in pure shock.

He rounds the corner, just making his way into the cell door.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" He bends on one knee, grasping hold of your shoulders with both hands. His eyes never seem to leave yours.

Tears finally begin to shed, refusing to hold back any longer. Your lungs let out a gasp, in search of desperately needed air. When doing so more tears were released, as you are left to confront Carl.

"R-remember when I told you, there is a p-possibility." Sobbing between each other word, you continue to speak. "The possibility that has lead me to not have a period for three months, has continued to make my stomach ache with the s-slightest move I make. Given me the feeling, that anything I consume, goes straight through me." You stop hoping he would catch on.

But he didn't, his eyes filled with disbelieve and confusion.

Then his eyes widen, mouth drops, his hands begin to sweat.

"Really?" Is all he has to say.

You bow your head down, ashamed.

"When did you find out?" He questions.

You slowly raise your head, to announce the long held information with dignity.

"Since Maggie gave me a test." You let that sink in. "Bout ten minutes ago." The tears have slowed, only a few are left escaping.

Your sobbing now, just lonely hiccups.

Carl's grip loosens, as his body feel limp. He is starring at the rusted floor, backed into the nearest corner.

"Carl?" You ask as more tears let-off.

Shaking his head, his eyes suddenly locking with yours.

"I-I just need to process this." He replies, still shaking his head.

You nod in a understanding manor, pursuing you lips together as he pondered.

His knees had been brought up to his chest. After letting out a shaky breath he spoke.

"During today's run, I had something happen to me...I was taking on four maybe three walkers at the same time, decided it best to shoot while walking backwards.... After they were down, I took a breather, tying to regain my senses." Carl's eyes break contact, and return to the ground. "I didn't see it, when I fell. I thought 'This is it! I am gonna die.'. Moments before the corpses' teeth would come in contact with my skin....My dad eased it from the trouble. The wilted an deceased body, reminded me to never forget about reality."

His eyes begin to leak the salty liquid.

You are in shock, minor disbelief gradually overcoming you.

This was reality.

Moments go by not a signal word was spoken. That was until eagerness got the better of you.

"Five weeks is what the test says." You announce.

Carl sits motionless, sudden lack of energy takes its toll.

"Carl? I'm scared." You whisper, trying to get his attention. Your knees also clutched against your chest, substituting as comfort.

Without hesitation, he leaped onto his feet. Once steady Carl put his hand out for you to grab. He pulls you up, when simultaneously wrapping himself around you. Embracing you in a bear hug.

You let-out a shaky breath, you forehead resting against Carl's shoulder. Given to his decent height advantage.

"Don't be. We will get through this, together." Carl spoke in a hushed tone, while brushing your hair out of your face.

"What if we can't? What if half way through this, you change your mind? Carl, please. Tell me. Honestly, how you feel about this." You spoke in pure doubt.

"We will, there is no 'if we can't'. I wouldn't bale on you, it is mine and your child. I took that risk, I took that extra step. So far I see no reason to regret it. In all honestly, I think this will be a step up for us. It bring us closer, I'll have just one other thing, I can love more then you." He replies when looking down at you, still cradling you in his arms.

Here you go guys, Hope you enjoy! Make sure to send me requests for my next imagines.

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