He tells you he wants a baby

Start from the beginning

Zayn: You hummed silently, feeling how his cold fingertips ran from your shoulder to your side. His silent singing woke you up from your slumber, making you smile to him, seeing how his own eyes were still closed, hand draping over your skin. “That feels good,” you sighed blissfully, not wanting him to stop touching you. You loved his gentle touch when he brushed his fingers over your shoulder blades. His voice was muffled to his pillow when he cuddled you closer in the dim morning. “I love this,” he mumbled silently, raising his head so it could lie next to your shoulder, lips against your skin. His black hair was untamed, eyes still closed and tattoos showing only to you when you ran your leg over his, making him smile. “There’s everything I’d ever want in this bed, except one thing,” he murmured, nibbling your skin when he opened his brown eyes tiredly, smiling at you gently. You lifted your eyebrow to him when he groaned silently, pushing himself closer to you, so you could feel his breath on your skin. “What?” you asked curiosity taking over when Zayn smirk, letting you know that he wanted you to ask. “A baby,” he breathed without hesitation, grin enveloping his face when he looked at you with his chocolate brown eyes, tongue trapped behind his teeth when he smiled, “ A small Malik baby, to lay between us or resting on your chest eating, leaving small sniffles to the air here…that’s what I’d want.” You stared at him for a moment, feeling how emotions grew on your heart, making your eyes blurry. “I want that too,” you whispered, letting few tears fall to your cheeks. They didn’t reach the pillow under you when Zayn’s lips kissed them away, when he eyed you hopefully. “You do?” he asked quietly, not wanting to be too hopeful. You let out a teary laugh, nodding your head quickly, making Zayn’s eyes widen. He grinned, burrowing his head to the crook of your neck, letting out a tear strangled laugh, “You have given me everything I could ever wish for, boo, and I can’t wait to start a family with you.”  

Louis: He chuckled happily, blue eyes following few kids on the park you were sitting. He had set out a picnic for you two, but he had got lost to his own world, when he stared at the kids with a wide grin. The two kids, girl and a boy, were playing football near you, giggling happily when their parents sat few feet away. “Louis, honey?” you asked once again, smiling to him when his head snapped to your direction, still squinted from grinning. “Yes, dear,” he laughed, kissing your cheek when he glanced at the kids again, making you huff silently. “Louis, please, focus!” you groaned, tapping his arm with your pencil, trying to get his concentration back, but no luck. “Louis!” you snapped, making him turn to look at you, still grinning. “You called dear,” he smirked mischievously, trying to charm you with his white playful smile. Normally it would have worked, but now you were too annoyed. “We need to decide the kitchen color, please focus,” you whined, taking a sip from your drink when you looked down to your house’s re-decorating plan, trying to hide your annoyance. “Sorry dear,” he smirked, kissing your cheek when he scooped closer, pushing your hair back a bit, resting his chin on your shoulder. “That one’s nice,” he smiled, pointing to the cream yellow one, making you frown to him. “Seriously?” he smirked, nodding again when he pressed a kiss to your collarbone, arms draped around your waist. You traced your finger over his “tic tac toe” tattoo, making him smile against your shoulder. “Yeah, I think that’s quite perfect to the nursery,” he smirked, trying to look as casual as ever. Your heart missed a beat when you turned to look at his elated blue eyes what were full of laughter. “Nursery?” you asked, a small crooked smile forming to your face when you thought about a small baby on Louis’ arms, his fingers caressing it’s cheek like he caressed about your skin. “Yeah,” he shrugged casually, making you turn around and stare at him. “Louis…” you said slowly, joy rising on your heart when you saw his widening grin. “Y-You want a baby? With me?” you asked in disbelief, making him laugh loudly when he hugged you tightly, tattooed arms holding you on his lap. “If you want it too babe,” he smirked, already knowing your answer. “Lou…” you squeaked, making him grin when he buried his face to your neck, grinning like a fool. “I take that as a yes,” he chuckled, making you giggle as well. “It’s a heck yes, love, let’s go home. We have a work to do.”

Harry: His eyes were red and puffy when he let go of Lux, waving her a goodbye before watching her walk away, holding Lou’s hand. She had been visiting you for a week, making both Harry and you so happy it was crazy. “I hate when she leaves,” Harry whispered, drying his tears, trying to hide his head embarrassed, “The house feels so quiet for a while.” You nodded, not saying anything, knowing how it always hurt Harry. He loved to spend time with Lux, even for a little while. He sighed deeply, walking towards you, closing the front door behind him. His hands found yours as well as his lips when you whispered silent “I love you’s” to his plump lips, making him smile. His arms sneaked around you when he swayed you two in the silent big house, listening how the fridge purred silently. “I love you too, baby girl, and I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he murmured against your forehead when he smiled sadly, kissing along with your hairline, “And someday, I hope, we’ll have our own baby and we don’t need to watch him or her go, ever. We can be the ones to take our baby home and we can be the ones she or he’ll call mom and dad…” You smiled against his chest, resting your head against the swallow tattoos, feeling how your heart fluttered with excitement when his big hands brushed your aching back. “So are you saying you want a baby,love?” you asked silently, trying to control your shaky nerves when he chuckled, nodding so quickly his curls bounced a little. His smile was shy and dimples poked out when he looked at you with his beautiful green eyes. “Well,” you started, feeling how your palms got sweaty, “I’m already pregnant…I hope that’s alright…” You couldn’t resist but let the smirk cover your face. He had frozen, hands on your back when he looked down at you, eyes widen than ever. “You…You..,” you nodded to his babbling, making his mouth drop open. “Is it alright?” you asked, starting to get a bit worried when he stared at you. “Is it…It’s more than alright, kitten…I don’t know what to say, I’m so happy…I can’t…Oh my god,” he crashed you for a bone crushing hug, small sobs shaking his shoulders when you smiled, feeling his wide grin. “I’m so happy,” he sobbed silently, taking your head between his hands, kissing you so lovingly it made your stomach ache, ”I’m beyond happy, I can’t believe this.” He kneeled in front of you, lips on your still flat belly when he sobbed, grin never leaving his face, “Hi baby, hi! It’s your daddy! I’m never, ever letting you go when you get here. I love you so much already, I can’t believe you’re actually there…”

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