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Jace's POV

She will wake up, she will wake up, she will...

I keep repeating my head to say those words as doctors rush in the emergency room where Audrey is. My hands were soaked with her blood, but my mind kept thinking about her. This is all my fault, I should not have let him with me.

I wish I wasn't drunk that night when I dialed her number...I wish my eyes didn't deceived me...I wish I didn't fall for her...

But no. I'm not regretting that one. Since then, I always have to laugh at myself when I hear her giggles at school, when she tells Lauren that she's getting death threats from someone, which was from me.

Stalker much? On her, yes. I liked her from the start...

Of course, before Audrey came in my life, there was Valerie.


Jace // Henry

“Aren't you calling her dude?” I ask Henry, nudging an elbow on his rib as our eyes followed a brown haired girl towards her locker.

“I-I can't. I have my ways.”

“Okay. If you say so...Romeo.”

“Jace, you have anything your eyes on? Meghan...maybe?”

“Look, Meghan hated boys and never kissed a guy in her life. She must had a hard history over men.” I say, as he nods in agreement.

“Yeah, but seriously man, who else?”

“Dunno. I guess, I have to go with the..hot nerds?”

We both laughed at the same time, making our way to the cafeteria to eat lunch. We were best of friends, so close, like brothers by blood. But one thing made it disappear...

I liked the same girl he likes.

Valerie, the girl we both had our eyes on. A brown-haired girl who wasn't that popular, but smart at the same time. Not a nerd, not that bad, just that average one...but hot. She's friends with Zoe, another girl who had the same hair color as her, but a little shorter, and more petite.

I never really showed any interest on her though, I mean I got partners with her sometime, most likely science experiments since our surnames' first letters are the same, M for Mitchell, and M for Murray. 

Henry really did the old-fashioned way, courtship. He would send her notes on her locker, give her flowers and even sometimes he would talk to her at the cafeteria. I got left out sometime, and I had to be somewhere else, which is the school lounge. I usually smoke there, since Mr. Walter didn't care, even Carl, a guy like me smokes at the same place too.

But, one, sudden morning, I just had this sudden confidence to talk to her and be able to tell him how I feel as soon as we get close.

So I did, by taking the chance after class. Henry's absent as of this time so I figured out that this is a good time to take that advantage and maybe start a friendship.

Jace // Valerie


“Hey.” she shyly says, trying to keep her voice down while she's at school lounge fixing her things.

“Y-You need any help?” I say, noticing the things she had to carry (literally boxes of things) as she puts things into it.

“Yeah, I really need to carry these boxes off to my dad's car. Will--”

“Of course.” then  proceeded to carry 2 boxes, placing them on my shoulder, and balancing them with my hand, going outside campus to his Dad's car, and placed the boxes.

“Thank you.” she says, and pulls out a paper from her pockets, and places it on my hand softly as weird tingles ran on my nerves. I stared at her, but she walked to the car's shotgun.

“Valerie! Can I get--”

She turns around and cuts me off, doing a twirling motion at her hand, and hopped in to the car, and the car slowly starts the engine and drove off. I looked at the piece of paper she gave me.

'I know what you want, friend :)'

I turn it around and...

'Call me.' her phone number written on the side.

My lips curve into a smile, and had a little celebratory dance on my mind. I finally got her number, and Henry didn't have hers.

--End of Flashback--

I was cut off my thoughts, when the doctor came running to me and lit up a smile.

“The girl is fine, um...may I ask the name an the relation to the patient?”

MU sir, I mean.

“She's my...girlfriend.” I say, almost, not, as I cannot hold a smirk anymore 'cause this lips ain't have any space to stretch this happiness now. I felt happy when I told him that. Luckily, his dad's no here, but...

But at least...she's alive.

Audrey Malor is alive. I'll just have to wait for her in the surgery room and everything will be fine.

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